I can’t get Synod to below half health. I’m speced for single target and my rotation is flawless. I’m at 161 ilvl.
Am I just supposed to keep rerunning this rng crapfest until I get good anima powers or something? This is like 30minutes a run just to find out you can’t do anything.
EDIT: Here are 3 of my attempts. The first vid shows gear/talents/anima
EDIT EDIT: I just did this a 2nd time. I got nonstop insane anima powers and 1shot the boss. Torghast is just a mini diablo 3 simulator
It’s not broken. The variance in performance won’t hurt as bad once we get legendaries and have non garbage secondaries. You even finished it despite this on a second try. Working as intended.
Yeah some bosses are unkillable and overtuned. Broken garbage just like this xpac. Won’t be playing much longer
Correct. You get the powers you need or you don’t. It’s “rogue-like”.
They went too hard with the rogue like. You shouldn’t spend 30 minutes in a run only to be screwed at the boss cause you didn’t get enough dps animas.
The variance is absurd. Super fun job blizz great job A+
I just got 2 animas from a elite mob and a breakable and my selection was dog @#$%
Yea, Torgast is easily the worst thing IMO blizzard has ever added to wow. I absolutely LOVE this xpac so far, but i’m now realizing its locked behind torgast, and torgast is designed with a horrible foundation. Gg blizz, maybe next time man
“rotation is perfect”…does less than 3k dps in torghast with anima powers when people do more than 3k dps outside of torghast.
Are you simple? I had almost zero dps anima powers and I’m ilvl 161. On top of that I gave up on most pulls at 50seconds
What he means is your rotation isn’t perfect if you’re only getting up to 3k on your opener.
Even with 0 anema powers that’s low.
picking up the trapped souls (those interactable ones) gives you 1% main stat buff per soul. And those appear in every run, you can usually get around 20 if you pick every soul up.
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I made a post about this specifically because i was so annoyed. The writhing soulmass was comically overpowered. Even with very good powers and 25% stat buff it had 325k hp and between it and the minispawns, it was impossible. I genuinely dont see a way i could kill it solo. Spammable ranged 2 to 3k spells, 4 miniboss with 50k a piece all meleeing too…its just a mess.
Yea I shouldn’t have said perfectly
Truth be told I don’t think anyone is always doing a perfect rotation. Assassination as a whole is weaker than Outlaw and Sub so don’t bother comparing. The fact of the matter is, Torghast is alot harder for us than most other classes.
I ran it earlier and managed to pick up 23 anima powers. My burst was 15k and I ended the fight at 9.5. The end boss stood no chance from that type of onslaught, but it only happened because of blessed RNG luck with my power gains.
I wish we didn’t have to rely so much on lucky rolls, but it is what it is.
Shadowlands has d3 devs written all over it. From the visuals to the systems. It will be the same game one day.