Torghast is a chore nothing more

It’s a chore. some people like washing dishing. Still a chore.

make it shorter or make your progress savable. A friend logs on. It’s nice to put quests on hold and go have fun while the sun is shining. But here Blizzard tells me I can’t go out and play until I’ve finished my chores.


I think it’s fun, but it needs to feel more rewarding. Visions gave gear, and I feel like that needs to be implemented as well in torghast. As it stands I drop in for my weekly soul ash and never do it again that week.

I typically enjoy it.
Just find a grp and smash through them, takes like 30 minutes for both of them long as your not full clearing.

I’d like it a lot more with less trash and no torments. Twisting should also only be 12 floors, 18 is too many.

It has a lot of potential and even as is, I enjoy it. Hope they keep adding to it :slight_smile:

I was a huge proponent of Torghast earlier in the expac… but I 100% agree with it being a chore now.

I like the rogue-like element, but it lacks rogue-like gameplay. WoW combat, by comparison, is so slow and plodding. There’s nothing fun about spending 50 or so minutes fighting trash mobs. Anima powers are enjoyable, picking them, combining them in weird ways… it’s pretty solid… but I don’t want to do this for 2 hours a week.

And then, God forbid, you fail a run (hell it happened to me last night) just got absolutely screwed on Anima powers and didn’t play well since my brain was fried after raid and couldn’t kill the last boss… you walk away with nothing for your effort. Not a damn thing.

Not even a 35 anima kick in the nuts.

If this content is somehow meant to last all expac, I have some real bad news for Blizzard… I’m basically done with it 2 months in and I was one of its fans.

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I like it. Got my maw mount too. Just wish there was more to earn in there.

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I love it. I’ll go again with friends. A perfect way to spend an evening with my character and class.

It’s fun and all, but it needs rewards.

People are being too hard on Thorgast, it´s a nice feature for some.
The only reason I haven´t done it yet is some more interesting things I have to do first, like watching paint dry.

Torghast is a dumpster fire.

Just a giant random assortment of the same rooms, with the same trash and nothing but a dribble of soul ash at the end.

It is literally the worst thing blizz ever inflicted on this game.

  • M

It just needs more reason for replayability. I even stated far back that Torghast’s existence is to grab your Legendary right to the end. Nothing more. Torghast is suppose to be the place where these souls are being funneled towards and forged. And for some reason, our anima drought leading there and yet we don’t get a single drop of that? What the hell? Heck, it be nice if we get Stygia too but we don’t…

I enjoy Torghast on my main hunter but struggle with it in my lower ilvls Ele Shaman. When I am able to run it I do enjoy the minor challenge it gives me. I do think it would be more fun I a group.

its entirely optional.

I wish it was super epic and made you want to go back over and over cause you never knew what you were going to get. Maybe a memory phase where you go through wings from ICC, then Nighthold, and lastly Black Temple. Imagine fighting the memory of Arthas, Guldan, and Illidan solo and they are challenging with a couple phases each like a real raid boss.

Or maybe a survive the horde hordemode option where you build up in power then have to fight various waves of enemies and elites!

I find torghast to be amazing to do when you’re running on 2 hours of sleep and have a high tolerance for mediocracy.

Well you don’t know me personally, but I enjoy it. I have 8 60s and I try to do it on at least 3 a week.

At least Island expeditions had transmogs and mounts, and you could queue them with friends for quick runs. Torghast is just… a bore. No rewards, debuffs that don’t let you afk, and it lasts longer than islands did.

Soul ash, maw mount, toy, pet.

Maw mount, toy and pet you get once, and that’s 100% drop.
Soul ash is once a week, which makes it a chore. When you can do something just once for reward, and have to do it, it’s poor design.

Compared to 10+ mounts off islands, dozen+ of transmog sets, and 40 pets?

They could’ve at least put legendary mog appearance and stuff like that.