Torghast harder just Alt F4 No Thanks

From what i’m seeing here you seem to be a known blizzard bootlicker.
Thorgast is not fine.
It’s not fun, it’s a chore and a lot of the playerbase wish it wasn’t even a thing.

If it was optional content i would give a damn about it, but you’re forced to do it, there is no way to get ashes other than this piece of @$%@


My god the pity party is real. Bragging about how easy Torghast was for heals and tanks bite you in the butt, did it?

I’m enjoying your tears.

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what’s the point of the instance right now?


They’ve adjusted a lot of the powers, seems strange they didn’t change much on rogues. Maybe it’s more complicated and it’ll take more time.

But yeah, if you don’t get anything good early on, it’s best to restart. It’s a strat that works.

It was fun the first week. Now its a mindless grind. I cant stand it. We need a few different ways to loot Soul Ash. The table whatever is does not count, that is such a small amount, its not worth talking about.

I do not understand how some people can solo everything and othes cant complete layer one with a group of 175 ilvls.


Don’t rogues just generally enjoy tears as a rule of thumb.

The nerf to tanks is ridiculous. Couldn’t get past the 4th floor on layer 7 because the Empowered Imperial Duelist was doing 20% of my health in 1 melee attack. The the special attack would finish me off. 2 seconds, I’m dead.

Yes, yes, I know. Git gud, L2P, blah blah do something else blah.

I liked Torghast. I liked finding different combos of anima powers and adjusting my rotation to fit them. I liked exploring through the floors to find hidden away treasures or souls, and more importantly, I enjoyed being able to solo it.

As a tank, I often feel like my only role is to ferry DPS classed through content. Torghast was a nice change of pace when I didn’t want to deal with a group, but still wanted to run a dungeon. Now, I can’t do that.


Well here’s someone in this thread who disagrees.

Not everyone likes being handed loot, some of us enjoy working for it. Legendaries finally have a meaning now and it takes some level of skill to get it.


likely rhetorical but torgast is there explicitly to time gate getting legendaries, it has a limited amount of ash you can get each week so there is no reason for blizz to time gate the time gate…

(for what its worth i’m bm hunter and enh shaman on the two toons I’m doing torgast on… so I ultimately don’t care too much… i am just sick of blizzard nerfing players)

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But this is a special brand of tear.

This is ‘my bragging caught up with me and my butt is chapped’ kind of tearing.


I solo’d bottom layer 8 without much trouble, went to do upper 8, was doing fine until the 3rd floor guardian started 2shotting my pet and me, literally nothing could be done about it.

THorgast is a mess.


I don’t understand.
on beta it was a ton of FUN, as it is now, it’s just annoying to do.
why are they trying to make it a slog to do?
Is this another time metrics thing? Did they not like people going through it quickly?


Judging by your deeds in this game, your oppinion isn’t worth anything.


I don’t know about one shotting things. I don’t mind there being a challenge. I just don’t think the time and effort are worth the rewards.


Because if you have nothing against his argument, achieve shaming works just as well!


Way to completely skip over my point while being toxic at the same time, there’s a good reason why Ion and the devs don’t always listen to GD. Maybe if people offered more constructive dialogue, we can go somewhere.


Yeah, let’s give credit to someone who never did anything truly challenging in the game on what is “challenging and fun”.
get out of here, son.


Play with friends, arrange a meet time? Lol.

You’re so ‘skilled’ yet your butt gets clapped in Torghast enough to whine about it. Says more about you than him.


I feel like you secretly believe that acting as an unpaid marketer for the company you’ll get better RNG.