Torghast Floor 5 Boss Bug

I’m in Coldheart Interstitia and the boss on Floor 5 is permanently evade bugged. How do I fix this?


I’m having the same issue on Floor 4 in Skoldus Hall.

I’m on Layer 6 as well, right at the end. This sucks.

yep exact same boss and same floor same issue

I relogged and moved to floor 5, try that friends

Relogged, died, tried everything…no avail

so dumb spent all my deaths becuase my pet could not take aggro or even attack the last boss

this happened AGAIN on my next run of Coldheart. Floor 5, last boss. Wasted over a half hour of my life because of this bug.

Skolldus hall , did floor 1 , potaled to floor 2 , upon my arrival the whole floor agrod on me, (lvl5) so ya fix ur sh!t and give free soul ash for your mistakes ty

This has happened to me 2 times now both times on Floor 5 of a level 6 run. Yay!

I’m sitting here with the Empowered Coldheart Javalineer (Coldheart) evading everything…

Aoe-ing, standing in every possible spot, invisibility, and relogging are completely ineffective. This was a huge waste of my time.

Same problem here. Layer 6 of cold heart inertia. Anyhelp with the evade bug?

Honestly, Torghast is probably one of the worst parts about this expansion, and now it bugs so i can’t proceed?


It also happened to me

Yeah I’m done with torg until they fix these evade bugs, 3rd run now with the same issue

Same happened to me, Skoldus boss floor 4

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Does anyone know if blizzard is handling this? It just happen again

Same thing happened to me yesterday in cold interstitia on floor 5 :frowning: Had to just restart the run unfortunately