Torghast - Empowered Imperial Consular

His Sin bolts and Shadow volleys are getting to like 20k a cast… how am I supposed to live through that?


Use your Lay on Hands to–


Well, what if you use your Divine Shield to–


Okay, what if you use your Blessing of Protection to–




Its completely unbalance, floor bosses were doing 1/4 of my pets health on my lock, its completely ridiculous.


I’m glad I’m not the only one getting wrecked here. This and a bunch of other run-ending unfortunate combinations (2 elites sitting next to each other that couldn’t be separated), it’s a wonder if they have QA checking these mobs before releasing them.


Just adding feedback that Torghast is officially the first horribly unfun and screwed up part of Shadowlands. I’m 4 hours in tonight trying to mess with this stupid place, and I’ve been screwed by rng, bugs, or just unknown crap that seems to be working as intended but is broken.


Floor 5, layer seven. I got deleted in about 4 seconds by this mob. Tried twice. Proceeds to alt-f4


that was my experience in layer seven, except i was on floor 2.

Im just really glad i can still solo layer 6 with enough ease.

Its so strange how the difficulty just spikes through the roof between 6 and 7

I only have so many tools to deal with that damage. I pummel once, it’s right back at instantly spamming something else. Reflect, does negligible damage to it. Storm bolt, “na, I’m good”. Back to casting at insane rate. Intimidating shout. This works! Barrels towards me crazy speeds. Die by the s… dead


I never had a problem with Torghast…

Until I met this mob as the floor boss on floor 4 layer 7.

I mean I popped everything.

Opened up wit ha defensive, popped SEF, Xuen, Weapons of Order, Innterrupted first cast (Have power that interrupt = they do 15% less damage and i do 50% more)

Popped Drums, popped Fleeting frenzy potion, Popped Agi potion, had Shadowcore oil on my weapons.

Ilevel 192

Blew everything I had, used defensives as best as I could, once I went below half hp I hit touch of karma to help heal and reduce damage taken.

I died with him still at 20% hp

um what…?

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I saw Empowered Imperial Consular on floor 5 of Layer 4. It almost ruined my run. I thought I wont make it to the Final Boss becoz of it.

But somehow I beat it. It was a DPS check although I cheated a bit by doing CC on him. Bought time for my pet’s hp to recover and re-wake him up with free Double-Tap’d Aimed Shot. When his HP gets to my Killshot range, it was GG. LOL.

Ignore pain for 60,000 on no cooldown

yep this boss is way over-tuned, blizz should really have tested this stuff before implementing

As a Prot Warrior that just laughed in the face of Torghast, this boss was the only thing that wrecked me. The problem is I might have defeated him if it was on floor 4 or above cause I’d have a lot more powers but this miniboss appeared on the 2nd floor when I only had 2 real powers not enough to sustain myself.

used, a rallying cry interrupts, shield wall, spell reflect but the cast time is too fast and my things have way longer cooldowns. This is simply an impossible boss for prot warriors.

The only other option is to restart the toughest and hope he appears at a later stage or not at all.

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why the hell it has Pacifying Dust??? 30 min down the drain and some lost hair…

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It’s all over WoW Reddit as well, saw someone last night hit him on Twitch and he logged after two attempts.

This sh!t is frankly not fun anymore, trying to clear content just to beat something that was clearly not qual’d is frustrating. Just shows how little they went into checks and balances prior to release.

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Full clear up to floor 5 (even the Mawrats) and it’s a wipe.

I really hate the devs tonight. I hope they have the worst holiday.

Not to mention the ridiculous pacify effect that they seem to be able to spam constantly! Pacify doesn’t even make sense for this npc!

same. floor 5 , enjoying myself and the game, then ran into this guy who is crushing me. Blood DK, clean run thus far, and then he gets down to about 20% and one shots me. on my last life so will try one more time although my gear is starting to take the hits. very frustrating.

Twisted corridor Layer 2, Floor 17, 1.4 million HP. I’m a 186 gs Brewmaster Monk (tank) Died 5 times already (thank god I bought more life potions) I have 2 lifes left and can’t get by him. Been in here for 3+ hours. I don’t know what to do. Maybe I should just quit wow. Blizzard? any suggestions since you created this POS… I have 0 lives left, no more potions, my durability is at 24% been in here 3 hours and 45 minutes. I’m at wits end. Thanks blizzard, for making my life miserable…
oh, and I have 1169 phantasm but I can’t go down a floor to the vendor to buy some more schitt and repair…

Omg, omg, I did it. You guys were listening weren’t you.