Torghast Bug - Subjugated Spirit

When fighting a rare in Torghast, the rare casts subjugate debuffs on the player reducing damage and movement. The debuffs do not clear though after death so the debuff just keeps stacking. At one point I had 10 stacks of Subjugated Spirit and my attack was reduced by 50%. When I died this wasn’t removed and I had to quit out of the dungeon.


I’m having this same problem

Same issue… and if you skip the rare the debuff persists through floors.

The only way to clear this debuff is by killing the rare and get the anima power that clears the debuff or dont get hit at all. It isn’t a bug.

So I spend over an hour in Torghast to have it end with 20 stacks of Subjugate Spirit. Sure makes me want to log back in tomorrow and “play”. Thanks Blizzard.


I just had the same bug. I got up to 20 stacks, with %100 decreased damage done. Impossible, i was doing 5-12 pts of dmg each hit…

If you allow yourself to be hit by Subjugate Spirit, your only recourse is to use the anima power given by killing the rare to remove the debuff. The only way to gain a desirable anima power from fighting that rare is to avoid all the completely avoidable area attacks he spawns, since those are the only ones that stack that debuff.

Think of it as “don’t stand in the purple bad” training. You get to choose a good anima power only if you prioritize avoiding ground effects.

NOTABUG working precisely as designed.


TBH, why would there be an anima choice to clear permanent debuffs if all you had to do was die?

Because the debuff doesn’t clear on death.

Flags * Persists through death

Still an issue as of Sept 27. I was wondering why I couldn’t kill the damn rare. At least it was only floor 2 and not 4.

“Still an issue,” how exactly? Except maybe it’s still an issue that you should MOVE.

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Don’t stand in bad? Although the potential issue with subjugated spirit is that you can sometimes get a wing torment that allows any elite to cast it, but less often than the usual elite that always drops an anima power that allows you to clear it.

Check your torments. If you get that one, it sucks, but if it’s stacking to 20 you really need to learn not to stand in the super obvious purple crap.

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