Torghast: Black Screen

I am in Torghast: Soulforges Level 2 and when I went from Floor 1 to Floor 2 and you get that black loading screen. I am now stuck on the Black Screen and cant get out of it. I can control my character and I can see enemy nameplates and my UI, I just can’t see anything else.

Dying fixed it.


same thing happened to me today

I just zoned into floor 5, layer 2 of Mort’regar, and I have a black screen. I can see the mob nameplates, and if I move my camera around, I can see slivers here and there of the walls but overall the whole screen is black.

Had this happen to a friend. They said wandering until they got killed took away the black screen.

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I just got the same bug going from floor 2 to 3, missed out on the Soul Cages there because of it. Somehow was able to find the vendor and anima cell at least. This needs fixing. (Dying removed the black screen as mentionned, still would not have to die because of this).

Same thing just happened to me going from floor 3 to floor 4 of the Soulforges.

Just had this happen, floor 2 to floor 3, Layer 3, Mort’regar. Had to minimap steer off the edge and die. /reload did nothing.

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I relog it fixed it


Same thing happened to me in Twisted Tower on Floors 12 through 17. I had to die each time to fix it (reloading did not work) which is really frustrating as a warlock if you have Pact of Infernal Intimacy.

I am having this issue on floor 5 of The Soulforges. have reloaded many times, do not want to log out and loose progress.

This just happened to my Alt on layer 1 of soulforge. Really cruddy that you have to die to fix this bug.

EDIT: This has now happened twice in the same layer. First it was from floor 2-3 now it was 4-5… It had also persisted through to floor 4.

It did not occur on floor 6 and maybe the reason was I sat still when I entered that floor and waited. The other floors I ran before the screen turned back to normal.

happening to my friend now as well.

Im doing the torment chanber Thrall lvl 3-5 is black screened unless i die…

Happened to me just now on both floor 4 and 5 of Mort’regar. On the Thrall quest if that makes a difference.

Yep still happening to me too, twice on a level 2 twisting corridor run, first time i tried to reload which didn’t work so i wandered until i died to fix the black screen, second time it happened i came here and did the close wow and reopen trick to fix it, wasted my 30 sec avenging wrath at the start though :frowning:

Happen to me right now at the 5 floor and then the game crash… omg…

Alt F4 out of game and log straight back in works to clear this issue. You will not lose your current level progression.

I was also hesitant to log out and in with only 2 lives left on floor 6, but I did not loose my position when I did and it fixed the issue.

Floor 13 of layer 7 Twisting Corridors and this bug is still in the game… Good one Blizz…

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I had this happen to me today; Several times in fact I lowered my video settings and it cleared the black screen, I don’t know if that’ll help for everyone else but it’s how I got around it.