Torghast: auto targeting Tower Sentinel elites

I’m certain its not an addon, definitely not a macro and definitely not an anima power, but occasionally I will find that a Tower Sentinel elite will get automatically targeted. The elite is almost never in my line of site or even within range, and sometimes will be on the other side of a wall or in an area on the floor that I haven’t unlocked yet. I can tell that it hasn’t been aggro’ed onto me so it can’t be that either. It usually happens when I’m not in combat. Most often it happens within 4 seconds of me entering a new floor but sometimes it happens when I’ve been on a floor.

It seems to happen like once every 4 floors. I will suddenly see that a Tower Sentinel gets targetted.

Not any other elite just Tower Sentinels.

The Tower Sentinels have a massive aura debuff that go through walls that will make you target it as soon as you’re in range. Most of the time you’ll be able to find and defeat them but I’ve noticed (at least in the first few weeks of torghast) Sentinels will be in areas of a floor that are locked out.

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I’ll look for that the next time it happens. It would certainly explain it.
That’s the thing. Very unexpected, but it’s what happening.

Mods: feel free to close or delete this thread.

The problem I have with them as a rogue is that when I’m trying to target multiple enemies and that is near by, I can’t target the next one because of the Sentinel. It gets annoying real fast and I wish it wouldn’t auto target them. Yes I can see I have a debuff on my screen but still it shouldn’t keep being like my focus target all the time.

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If the goal of this is auto targeting is to annoy players then developers have overwhelmingly succeeded. This is annoying beyond explanation as it screws up any planning you attempt in game. Blizzard needs to end this.

It’s annoying but the auto targeting is following the rules.

The tower sentinels are periodically applying a debuff to you and their range is huge and it’s an aoe thing. Since this is a hostile cast, if you don’t already have a target, you automatically target your “attacker”.

Not unlike auto picking up a target as you gallup along on your mount because you got too close to some mob.

Again, it’s annoying and I wish they had implemented this tower sentinel feature much differently because sometimes you are in combat but you kill something and you don’t have a new target and then suddenly you do, but it’s not anything in front of you so your wasting your attacks until it clicks what’s going on.

I really could not care less. Auto-targeting an NPC from the moment I arrive on a floor despite the fact that it is possibly the last NPC before the floor boss s either incredibly poor planning or just malicious on the part of the devs. Either way the result is the same and I am done with it.

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