Torch Juggler

The Torch Juggler achievement is nearly impossible due to the character model getting stuck in the looting animation for up to 5 seconds at a time while attempting the achievement. The torches are also clipping through all solid objects.


I was able to do it after many, many attempts by standing below one of the wooden buildings in the sewers. But yes it feels like something is bugged.

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Same thing, I’ve tried for about an hour and with a targeting macro or just normal spam clicking I get the looting animation for 4-5 seconds after throwing about 10 of them.


Took me over an hour to get it to work. My guess is I got lucky with having high torch throws. It seems to lock you in the looting animation when you catch the first torch, so if you’re first couple are low, you can’t get many off.

If you use this macro you dont have to mouse click, and you can bind it to your scroll wheel. May help until they fix it.

/use [@player] Juggling Torch

For me I can spam them fast. It’s the catch animation that’s killing it.


I even just looked up a video of someone doing this. They used the exact method I’m using but their catch animations didn’t stop them and make them wait ages. This really is bugged.


Yeah, I can get close with the scroll wheel but then either the game crashes or the server kicks me.

its not like anyone has been waiting an entire year to finish an achievement whats the big deal a 15 year old thing is bugged /facepalm

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I can’t even get it to work with the macro. The game is not allowing me to throw up more torches because of the collection animation. PLEASE FIX THIS. I WANT MY PROTO DRAKE.

was finally able to get this completed after over an hour banging my head against the floor. spamming as fast as you can causes the 5+ second loot bug and could literally never get past 28-30 no matter how fast i was clicking…so i tried slowing it down. bout 2 clicks a second and it keeps it in a smoother rhythm and sure enough i was getting 37-38. then got 40. so just keep doing that then when your timer is down to 4-5 seconds let er rip a bit faster and you should eventually get it.

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Same thing on Wrath Classic, sucks

I am experiencing the same thing. Attempted in multiple spaces and smaller-enclosed areas across Dalaran and the Dalaran Sewers. Torches always clip through the top of whatever structure I’m under. Have tried the following methods with highest scores for visibility:

  • Macro/1-Button mashing (Inxanity’s method) [30 highest score]
  • 2-click a second (Omar’s method) [27 highest score]
  • Scroll-Wheel method (Inxanity again) [38 highest score]

I am as well having this issue, and would love this to be addressed… don’t want to wait a whole year for more attempts at this achieve… Its the absolute last one I need for the drake.

having the same issue…

Same problem for me actually, sitting here in Dalaran crying while I see my character flip out because they can’t stop catching the torches. I get pretty close though, have seen it go up to 36, but otherwise, can’t make that 40 mark.

Same exact problem. I can get to about 26 before the game stops counting. I even rigged up a turbo-speed clicking macro in the Logitech G Hub. I can hold that macro and turn the targeting circle into an absolute strobe light, but WoW doesn’t count my juggles. Like others, it’s the very last achievement for the very last holiday before the 310 purple proto. Gotta fix this ASAP!

Yeah… it is impossible I feel, in F**KIN possible. I have tried clicking with a macro, scroll wheel, and tried putting multiple keys with scroll wheel and clicking. You stuck in an animation looking like your throwing torches and it does not work!! I’m soooooooooo frustrated. Been doing this for over an hour and starting to get arthritis in my hands… please fix this, this is such garbage. This is the last achievement I need for this “Long and Strange Journey” Achievement for the drake…


I got the achievement! You need a Macro to cancel the juggling macro.
#showtooltips /stopmacro Juggling Torch for my 3 key

I did 1 and 2 key for the #showtooltips /use [@cursor] Juggling Torch

Happy Hunting boys.


Same issue. Have tried manually clicking, maxing a macro for @player, have tried inside and outside, under a ceiling and not, nothing. NOTHING works. I have never wanted to quit playing this character ever before this glitch. PLEASE MAKE THIS ACHIEVEMENT POSSIBLE BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.

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I’ve been trying to get this achievement for over an hour now. It is impossible. I’ve tried macro spam, normal keybind spam. Moving, not moving, under a building, in the open…nothing works. The catch animation stops me at ~35 every…single…time. I’ve put in over a year of work for this drake and we shouldn’t be stopped by one aweful achievement.

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I finally got the achievement… this achievement takes some finessing.
/cast [@player] Juggling Torch
I have about 30 torches but i only need about 15 total to do this
Bind the macro to the mouse wheel (I used Shift+mouseWheelDown)… do not use a free spinning mousewheel, but one that has the notches when you spin it.
Start rolling the wheel slowly, and slowly increase the rate of spinning the wheel. At no time do you spam the wheel as hard as you can the purpose is to find the right speed of throwing and catching the torch. This took time, but it took me 3 tries and eventually I got it to work. I didn’t use 2 different directions of the mouse wheel just 1 direction and started slowly and gradually increased the pace, till i found a sweet spot where i was both throwing and catching at the same time. Till boom achievement.