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Yet still lose $87 million in a quarter. FF14 can’t hold up the slack.

This might be true, but I think it’d be like EQ, SWTOR or DCUO where they exist and get some new stuff, but not on par with like before. They’ll have their dedicated core of players. I don’t see it being shut down anytime soon.

They just need a token. :wink: :laughing:

I’m curious to see where the goalpost will be moved once FF’s newest expansion releases and the numbers don’t improve.

I don’t see a net loss. Which number are you looking at?

Then it’ll be right where it was, still existing and people can still decide what game they want to play. Or if they want to play both.

Means nothing to WoW really.

What goal post?

Well this is mainly for the players that claim FF is taking the throne, and that WoW will be dead by this time next year.

Curious the excuses that will be made when the next WoW expansion releases and breaks the current SL record of fastest selling PC title.

That’s always been a major troll though.

They’ll just find some other way to troll the forums.

Unpopular opinion isn’t necessarily trolling. Some say it because they really believe it.

Maybe, but it hasn’t been true all these years. I really believe the only ones to ever kill WoW will be Blizzard themselves.

Correct but you never know what may happen.

What I foresee is one of those guys who say every single year “WoW is gonna die this year” and one year in the future when it finally dies off say “See, who called it!?”

It’s called wishing for a rainy day. Sooner or later its going to rain.

Lol, yeah by all odds that will happen eventually. Maybe when we are all in retirement homes.

Yep, but when it finally does… those guys sure called it!

If my kids put me in one, they’re not getting all my old NES carts in my will.

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It doesn’t say they lost money. They made money, just not as much.

Also from the actual report:

Consolidated Financial Results for the Three-Month Period Ended June 30, 2021 (

In the MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) Game sub-segment, net sales rose versus the same period of
the previous fiscal year due to growth in the number of monthly paying subscribers for “FINAL FANTASY


What information do you have that FF14 was operating in the red?

That isn’t a loss, that is from YoY 2020 decrease in profits.


Their overall income dropped $87 million because their digital sales have dropped -34%. It’s in the report. The loss would have been twice that, but they had a 100% increase in sales from arcade facilities.

It’s a financial dud because it’s not carrying the weight in-between game launches. WoW carries the weight inbetween Blizzard game launches in comparison.

Do you understand the difference between lower income and a lose? Because it doesn’t seem like you do.


Well this thread is pretty dumb. I may not be an FF fan, but even if they were losing money, that’s not a good thing. It’s not a zero-sum game out there, WoW will exist either way.

I hope Squeenix does well and FF continues to grow for the fans of the game. You shouldn’t revel in someone else’s favored choice being in trouble(…or not, either way the sentiment stands, I’m not a numbers/financials person).

The world needs less Us vs Them mentalities. :frowning: