Top us parsing mage will transfer ALLIANCE

hmi link discord links

Hey Dokimana!

We’re looking for a Mage for our core team!

Looking forward in talking to you!

Blacklist, Incendius (PvP)
Discord: Devyn#7955
Battlenet: Mac#14336

You looking for a late night rating guild? Noahjay#0001

Alliance | Heartseeker | Loot Council

Raid Schedule
We have Three raid groups, all raid groups are 10/10 MC, 1/1 Ony, 8/8 BWL
Raid 1 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8pm - 11pm EST
Raid 2 - Sunday, Monday 8pm-11pm EST
Raid 3 - Monday, Wednesday 9am-1pm EST

Raid 1 - Dwarf Holy or Disc priest, mages, warlock, fury warriors, and a pro feral.
Raid 2 - Warlocks, Fury Warriors, Resto Druid
Raid 3 - All classes besides warriors, High need of Warlocks.
Exceptional players of any class are encouraged to apply regardless of class priority need.

About us
We are an extremely experienced group of friends from a few different servers that are back together for Classic, most of us have played since Vanilla and through every expansion, with multiple members having experience from all Vanilla tiers up to and including Kelthuzad.

We strive to kill content in a timely, effective manner while having fun doing so. We are all excited for Classic, and aim to take down the content together. We take raid time seriously and hold everyone to competitive standards. This ensures that your time/consumes/gold are respected to the best of our ability.

We will be using RC Loot Council and disperse loot based on performance, size of upgrade, and attendance, we chose loot council because we do not want people hording dkp for that “one item” and passing on side upgrades due to it, corruption will not be tolerated.

As a member you will be expected to be ontime to raids and fully self accountable for consumables, raid strategy, and overall character & raid preparedness. We will have an abundance of resources to help not only you, but all of us together as a raid succeed with information, strategies, theorycrafting, and other general support.

Please do not hesitate to message me with ANY questions, concerns, and/or further clarification. We look forward to killing dragons, getting loot, and making more friends on this long awaited journey!

Thank you for your time, and we hope to hear from you soon!

https //discord gg/NrrASr9
Real: Storm#1586, Ozone#1609, Gazerem#1812, Avatar#1341

feel free to checkout our logs too, all of them are on warcraft logs

Check out invoke.

Hey don’t know if you find a guild yet but we are looking for a mage.

not sure if you found a home but we are looking. add me up at julianbloom#2508. Guild is NvM on herod (5th to clear BWL on server/82 in US).

Would be willing to pay for your transfer if logs are on par with what we are looking for.

This is for a permanent spot in our Tuesday run (most hardcore). we have 3 raid groups 120+ raiders. Tues is all min/maxers parsing above 90%.