h ttps://imgur.com/cP9sN44
1,433,985 damage
Don’t worry he’s just REALLY good at the game… lol
Sniper shot needs major nerf, or to be removed from the game… It causes bads to play hunter… If you look at some of these guys on recount, they’ll have like 47 sniper shots and only 20 rapid fires & 7 aimed shots after an entire Ashran… so everyone knows exactly whats going on here… and its bad…
it might be 1.4 mil but u needa chill cuz the tooltip says it only does 20 percent of ur hp mate
20% is no big deal these days
Hey buddy, I was on my horde toon yesterday and I saw you in a epic bg, our team wiped, and you had a total meltdown in chat against a pug group. this normal behavior for you?
Judging by his other responses in multiple threads I’d say yes.
By “meltdown” you mean – “Premades suck, they should be removed from the game.” Yea, HUGE “mElTdoWn”
And who would trust a gaslighting cheater like you? You got a screen grab bro? Let’s see it.
Pfft, ive got a screenshot somehwere of more than double that
What are you cheating, premader clowns becoming? The fascist, thought-police now? So not only do the pugs have to deal with your cheating and complete lack of a moral compass 24/7, but now we need to watch what we say, or else the fascist, premade, chat-police will start taking screen shots of pugs complaining about the fact that you’re cheating? Pffft… What a laugh.
Snap away…
Fixed the link, and yikes!
You guys should make a museum to put all the screen shots up… Call it the official - “Premade cheaters, museum of MERC-cheating and screenshotting pug meltdowns.” Then install the Paindevice wing; where you can hang all of my legendary meltdowns.
Every second thread is about mm hunters. They have needed a nerf since S3 …meanwhile back at the blizzcave Now we need to add triple shot muwahaha
you can gem for stam which gives enemy hunters more damage
that is on a guardian druid
He said it was a pug v pug match, and you’re screeching like a mental patient about premades again. Sounds like his analysis was spot on.
You think that’s ^ “screeching” LOL, more like laughter… Stop the gaslighting cheater… Isn’t it bad enough you clowns have no moral compass but to resort to gaslighting too? I guess it’s to be expected.
I don’t queue sync. You might want to get your head examined.
It´s a thread about topping the max sniper shot damage
Your Hunter was Yummy