Top regular flying speed

Ingot kicked from a mythic group for only being 310 flying speed.

How can I increase this? Google failed me

Thank You.

You just buy the training from the trainer in the capital cities. Stormwind in your case. They are near the flight path person.

310% is the top speed for flying, and you can’t go faster for normal mounts. Dragonriding though how ever, goes upto what, like 700-800%, though is only available on the Dragon Isles.


Confused…regular flying top speed is 310%. Not sure why that would cause you to be removed from a Mythic group. For dragonriding, pretty sure they all go the same speed.

If you mean you got kicked for attempting to use a 310% mount when you should’ve been using a dragonriding mount (which is indeed a lot faster and the only flying option for current content) then the solution is hopefully evident by now.


Ah, were you doing a Dragonflight group? In which case, wouldn’t you be using a dragon riding mount?

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No I was flying to Vortex regular flying mount. I told them I was 310 and apparently not good enough they said they were all 360+

There is no 360 flying speed with normal flying. They were trolling you.


Sounds to me like they were talking about item level, not mount speed. Or they were just trolling. Either way it doesn’t make much sense.

Do you mean item level?

This is funny for all the wrong reasons. Now I have the image of a contestant on an early season of American idol.


Or OP is just trolling the forums.

The more I think about it I’m starting to remember a quite similar post like this. Being kicked for flying speed lol.

For flying speed? I know in the beginning of DF people complained they were kicked from Nokhud Offensive for refusing to use dragon riding, but I never saw any of the posts for flying speed.

Not trolling. Not ilevel. Flying speed.

419 level.

Oh well hope they bricked the key :wink: