Returned to this game for the new patch and really enjoying it, so I am looking to raid again!
Contact Info: Faytful#1779
At the time of this post I am currently up to Neck level 52, and about 405 ilvl (have 350 ring that’s extremely good) and still lacking a 2nd weapon otherwise ilvl would be much higher.
Looking for a 2 or 3 night a week guild that will have CE by the end of the tier.
Logs: (forums wont let me include links?, inquire for logs)
Currently only have logs for first day of H Uldir and Mythic champs but if you know what you’re looking for you will see the value that I can bring even with minimal logs from this tier. My Legion logs tell the story of my consistency.
Raid experience:
WoTLK- Herald of the Titans (Achievement date 9/11/10), ICC: 12/12H 10m (server 2nd), 11/12 25m (LK to 11% QQ)
Cataclysm (Top 50 US Stint) - BoT N: 4/4 (achievement date 12/29/10), BwD N: 5/6, ToFW: 1/2N
MoP - ToT: Lei Shen AoTC
WoD: Highmaul 2/7M, HFC - 5/12M
Legion - EN: 5/7M, NH: 10/10M CE, ToS: 2/9M, Antorus: 11/11M CE
BfA: Uldir 5/8H, BoD: 1/9M
A little about me:
I am a 25 year old from Northern California that currently lives in Southern California with degrees in both Cellular and Molecular Biology and Psychology. I am currently waiting to start grad school for a MS in Microbiology in the Fall at CSUN.
In terms of myself as a player, I am the kind of player that learns a fight within the first 2 or 3 pulls and then focuses on maximizing my DPS for orange parses. I have fulfilled an officer role many times in the past and can also fulfill the role of a core raider that is present nightly and does his job. I am the type of raider that you never have to worry about it, and am always helping theory craft and brainstorm potential strategies and changes that may be necessary to secure a progress kill.
Please feel free to add me if you have any questions or post below. Looking forward to hear from all the great guilds.