<Top Class> [H] Recruiting for core

Bump for a great guild!


Endorsed by Blue Collar Boyz great guild with a great core group of people. Bovine likes to blow people up in raids but its ok.


Great guild, core team is coming along.
Currently looking for more Heals(R Druid high demand)
High Demand:
Mages, rogues, warriors
Other needs:
Hunters, Rogues, Warlocks.

Welcoming guild and community.


Great guild led by experienced players, friendly atmosphere. Helpul and welcoming guild members that get the job done !


Heya! I am looking for a guild that has a friendly community, has players I can level and dungeon with, and that has plans to to WPvP and do BGs. I am not sure I can allocate time to raid; I may be interested in trying one day per week once I get 60 (which is going to take me a while). Is < Top Class > for me?

Top Class is a great guild filled with helpful and experienced players. You will definitely feel welcomed and will find players to group with. I came from Herod to play with them and have absolutely no regrets.

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Yes ! you shouldn’t feel pressured to raid. We have plenty of dungeon groups and will have a bunch of organized pvp (bg’s / world pvp) come phase 2. I will say however, most of our guildies are in their high 40’s - 50’s atm - something you can think about when making your decision.


Hey! My Prot warrior buddy from back in Vanilla and I are looking for a guild. Who should I talk to in game? 40 mage and a 42 warrior. Raiding since Vanilla but taking our time leveling this go around.

Hi ! Contact Difficult , Bovinejovi , Easyy , Nox , Surfacing , Forsakenjoe in game. All our members can invite also :slight_smile: