Hi everyone,
Very experienced prot warrior here looking for a main tank spot.
In vanilla I helped lead the best alliance guild on Arthas (officer/co-gm role). I main tanked through MC, BWL, AQ 40, and 8/15 Naxx before my guild disbanded.
Since classic, I’ve raided hardcore in a number of guilds. I raided in a top 25 US guild. I main tanked through much of the WOTLK content (including H LK). I was also guild leader of a top 150 US guild on Illidan.
I understand the importance of always being raid ready and min/maxing. I’m open to a leadership role but not a necessity.
Looking for a home for classic. PVP server is non-negotiable. Prefer alliance. Best raid days are Sun-Wed but I could swing Thurs depending on time. I also have two friends that would be interested in raiding but we can discuss that on discord.
I plan to be 60 within the first week/week and a half so plenty of time to help the guild gear up.
Julian, Real ID: Jtb4488#1642