Woohtles - Area52
Cutting edge silvanas, and defeated most bosses in Legion and Shadowlands with a mythic raid team.
Plenty of experience raiding with multinight guilds, and looking to get CE this season.
Open to raiding any day from 5pm - 12am Central.
Sanctum of Domination Mythic Tank logs - (Multiple top 1% logs)
warcraftlogs. com/character/us/area-52/woohtles?zone=29#spec=Guardian&class=Druid&zone=28
Sanctum Heroic Tank Logs - (almost all top 1% logs)
warcraftlogs. com/character/us/area-52/woohtles?zone=29#spec=Guardian&class=Druid&zone=28&difficulty=4
Sanctum Normal Tank Logs - (multiple Rank 1s, and all top 1%)
warcraftlogs. com/character/us/area-52/woohtles?zone=29#spec=Guardian&class=Druid&zone=28&difficulty=3
I was a bit late to start this expansion but I am slowly gearing up, will be up to par soon.