Toon transfur

ok like 2 m.o ago i transfured and faction changed a toon from anther bnet

i understand i have to do the quests again due to anther faction even achievement parts
but some chapters wont even chehck off , like the storyline in kunlai summit some are ally, some are horde but inkgill should be both right? also i have doubles 1 achieve and 1 for horde, why do i have doubles?see i changed to ally since my horde did the story-line
my ally has some unchecked but theres no quests left i already did them in horde

One thing if you transferred to another bnet then you would loose all achievements and all. Not sure if that would do for quests completed.

Where these achievements done on the bnet you moved that toon too?

Yeah if the other account does have pathfinder they would have to do pathfinder on another toon to unlock the or am i wrong.


Do you have Trivial Quest tracking turned on?
Even if the area is both factions, some completed chains aren’t converted over wholly when faction swapping. There may be enough differences that it either all un-completes or like part way through.

Do you have a specific quest/achievement you are inquiring about? We could try to help but also WoWhead comments are fantastic about figuring out what needs done.

Where these quests/achievements done on this bnet before? had the character your using now do these quests before? You might have to do them on a character that has not done them before. When you switched bnets you would not take things with you like pathfinder.