Tooltips for the new talents since notes don't have them

  • Assassination-
    Shiv also reduces the target’s healing
    received by 40% for 9 sec.
  • Warlock-
    Shadow Rift
    30 yd range
    1 min cooldown
    Conjure a Shadow Rift with an 10 yd
    radius at the target location lasting 2
    sec. Any enemies within the zone
    when it expires are teleported to your
    Demonic Circle.
  • Destro-
    Bonds of Fel
    30 sec cooldown
    30 yd range
    1.4 sec cast
    Encircle enemies with Bonds of Fel,
    snaring them by 50% for 6 sec. If any
    target leaves the 8 yd radius, deals
    4,726 Fire damage, split amongst all
    nearby enemies.
  • Demo-
    Fel Obelisk
    45 sec cooldown
    20 yd range
    Summon a fel Obelisk with 5% of
    your maximum health. Empowers you
    and your minions within 40 yds.
    increasing attack speed by 20% and
    reducing the cast time of spells by
    20% for 20 sec.
  • Priest-
    Improved Mass Dispel
    Mass Dispel’s cooldown is reduced
    to 15 sec and its mana cost is
    reduced by 30%.
  • MW-
    Revival’s cooldown is reduced by
    50%, and provides immunity to
    magical damage and harmful effects
    for 2 sec.
    Demateralize into mist while
    stunned, reducing damage taken by
    40%, reforming over 3 sec.
    [Thunder Focus Tea (NNF)]
    (Is this the right one? Thunderous Tea does not exist on ptr)
    Thunder Focus Tea can now
    additionally cause Crackling Jade
    Lightning’s knockback immediately.
    or cause Essence font to increase
    your movement speed by 70% and
    provide immunity to movement
    impairing effects.
  • Arcane-
    60 yd range
    45 sec cooldown
    Builds a sphere of Arcane energy,
    gaining power over 4 sec. Upon
    release, the sphere passes through
    any barriers, knocking enemies back
    and dealing up to 2.317 Arcane
  • Fire-
    Ring of Fire
    250 Mana
    30 yd range
    1.7 sec cast
    30 sec cooldown
    Summons a Ring of Fire for 8 sec at
    the target location. Enemies entering
    the ring burn for 24% of their total
    health over 6 sec
  • Frost-
    Ice Wall
    30 yd range
    1.3 sec cast
    1.5 min cooldown
    Conjures an Ice Wall 30 yards long
    that obstructs line of sight. The wall
    has 40% of your maximum health and
    lasts up to 15 sec.
  • FDK
    Shroud of Winter
    Enemies within 8 yards of you
    become shrouded in winter, reducing
    the range of their spells and abilities
    by 30%.
1 Like

Ty, champion of Azeroth

Nice. One new PvP talent for Assassination. And it’s a braindead mongo one. Absolutely wonderful. Please tell me there will be more in future PTR iterations.

Please get rid of hemotoxin, improved MD, and shroud of winter.

I would like a sharpen lava burst too Bobby


Imagine playing a healer in 2’s and getting ridden by an Assassination Rogue like you’re a bull at a rodeo and when you come out of his 4 second garrote and 6-7 kidney with 20%+ dampening already ramped up you now have to try and recover with 40% reduced healing and a 5 second kick waiting for you. :weary:


Just teleport away while stunned lol


So now rmx has smoke bomb and ice wall. Nice

Can you link the new tooltips talent changes for shamans ?

rofl 10char

Oh no no no :rofl: :joy:

i actrually hate so many of those. that lock one tho. sounds actually obnoxious.