Too Sweet is an Alliance guild on Lightbringer.
Raid Days - Friday Night with a Flex Night (Sundays or sometimes Saturdays as needed)
Time is 6 PM Pacific US to 9/ 10 Pacific as needed.
We plan to raid one night a week for 3hrs minimum with a potential of a flex night for Saturdays or Sundays. Our goal is to get as far as we can every Friday night. This is why we are looking for players with a serious attitude for Heroic raiding. In 9.2 we will start in Normal until we feel we are ready to mix in Heroic bosses.
Our team is currently looking for range dps. But any quality player would be considered.
We currently have 2 tanks one could swap to dps if a good experienced tank would like to join.
Healers: we currently have a resto shaman/druid/ H priest… would take a MW/Pally/Disc or another Resto Shaman.
You do not have to transfer to Lightbringer to join us. We are forming a Cross Realm of raiders who just want to raid in a consistent group but struggle to find the right fit or times.
If cross realm raiding is something you would be interested in please add me on battlenet.
Jackymoon#1378 aka Huntress