Blizzard way overdid pink in the Fangs of Ashmane skins for druids. Easy to fix, make the Zandalar one red like the bear, and make the violet one have a darker shade of violet for his ears, in a similar fashion to the light pink version.
Funny, because this game absolutely lacks pink transmogs. Funny to hear someone complain about it being on cat forms.
My point is that you have to play one of the Tauren races to get a Fangs of Ashmane skin option that doesn’t include pink. Blizzard, give us some pink general options, but give us at least an equal number of non-pink options. Currently, 6/7 skins of the Fangs of Ashmane skins have pink in them. Blizzard cat skin artist, stop being so selfish.
Just be thankful you even have it
I am grateful, for the single non-pink Fangs of Ashmane skin.
I looked up ashamane and the pink makes sense. Seems like her essence was pink, or at least her eye/mouth glow. Otherwise she had dark black hair. How pretty. More options are always nice tho, especially for our Druids who play in those forms.
Pink sparkle Kitty was why I tortured myself with the Mage Tower challenge.
That’s the purple mage tower skin you are showing, the one unlocked with 10 RBG wins. The pink one has a touch of orange to it.
You can never have too much pink.
But not everybody likes pink and it would be selfish of Blizzard to make everything pink just to suit the pink-lovers.
This times infinity squared! I very much want more pink.
That’s Purple.
I was never fond of pink but that looks pretty.
Everyone seems to look at it from a selfish point of view, that is, does the skins suit my tastes, and if so, all good because no one else matters right? It doesn’t matter that people who don’t like pink cat skins have a single lonely option because, hey it’s all about you eh? However, from a developer’s point of view, Blizzard, should cater equally, or representatively, to all groups.
I was thinking that, but the starry train with this one is very pink I think?
Yep, seems the pink-lovers protest, and the anti-pink vote.
I’m so confused, aren’t the colours tied to artifact skin unlocks? Are we talking about a specific theme’d weapon skins form, or all of them?
I recall many non-pink skins back in Legion for them.
Or druids only have access to one colour for each form through the barber?
Lies and slander.