Too much friction on forums

For some reason people think him being a jerk is a great personality.

Idk. Masochists? I’m not one to kink shame though. :woman_shrugging:t2:


It’s always Sunday in GD.


I answered your comment in P2W thread if its what you mean here.

What’s with the pay to win threads today anyway? Is it the new “High Elf” thread?

How the heck can you “win” WoW?


I think he put everyone that disagreed with him on ignore. He’s not interested in a discussion


Really man? So you get some pushback because you made a thread with an incorrect premise and now you’re throwing a pity party for yourself because the ‘forums were mean to you’??

Maybe next time listen to what folks are telling you and stop believing everything you hear from Johnny Streamer on the interwebs.


So, are we talking about a Raider IO system for the forums now?

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Bruh /10chars

Upset because people didn’t agree with your p2w thread, huh?


He wasnt that bad until legion, when blizzard started shoving him down your throat and everyone got sick of it.

I just want to shove him down his own throat at this point.

When we never interacted with him I didn’t care that he existed. He was just the NPC that followed Sylvanas around.

They should have left him that way, cause he’s absolutely not interesting as a character and like you said, shoving him on us did neither him nor the players any favors.

He only exists to be an edge lord jerk to the players, and a boot licking sycophantic puppy dog to Sylvanas.

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I am NOT upset at all. Why would I? Ah yeah some people were harassing me and called me sheep etc.

I guess new definitions are the norm for these days. Didn’t realize Disagreeing = Harassment.


Dude, you made this thread. You wouldn’t have made it if you weren’t upset that people who you consider to be beneath you, didn’t push back against your incorrect statements. Someone who’s perfectly happy and ‘not mad’ doesn’t make threads like this one.



Thanks for providing more friction on the forums!


A) You posted a video as justification to your thread, instead of using your own thoughts, and ideas. GD jumps at the throat of that, even if you did use your own thoughts. “I see video, this man sheep” basically.
B) There was literally already a thread up with the same exact video sited, and at the top, no less. Whether you saw it or not, people just assume you did, and made the thread anyways.
C) We had the P2W discussion months ago, the consensus is that it’s the fault of corruptions (which are going away in SL, confirmed by Ion in the Sloot interview), not a P2W type deal.

D) Welcome to GD. We’re a rowdy, non-critical thinking bunch here, apparently.

That’s a bit rude, but I’ll take it!

You forgot to add that he would profile shame to bolster his argument


Yeah, if those kinds of players were the only ones providing input on the direction of the game, say bye bye to WoW. lol


No, because everyone can create forum topics. No worries.

Thanks for providing more friction on the forums!

You would never see my posts same as the most people replying here, isn’t it great?

You have 57 posts here. Mostly I’m guessing in your pay to win thread and here.

The simplest solution to avoid mingling with us casuals, is to do what you’ve obviously been doing until recently.
