Too many weapons bug

As of maintenance on Tuesday (23 July), my hunter shows up on screen with two weapons. She has only one weapon (a gun which I have transmogged to a bow) equipped, but she appears to have two bows. While in combat, one bow stays on her back while the other is in her hand. When out of combat, two bows are criss-crossed on her back. it looks really weird.

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details would help.

what is the weapon, and what is it transmogged to?

have you checked that it’s not an appearance which is being applied from another armor slot (cloak) or a graphic from a quest item?

I have the same thing happening with my Timerunner Mistweaver Monk showing 2 staves when sheathed and showing one sheathed and one in her hand when I hit the Z button to unsheathe her weapon.

I am experiencing the same issue with my shadow priest - he’s got Xal’atath sheathed at the hip and one additionally at his back as if it were a 2H.

I am also experiencing this on multiple characters. From what I can tell, it’s only happening with characters who I place in one of the four spots on the Warband scene itself. Putting a character there with certain staff appearances transmogged is having weird effects. I often use the Journeyman’s Stave offhand, which should not appear when weapons are sheathed. It is appearing on the character’s left hip on the login screen, and when you login, these extra weapons remain even when you sheath and unsheath weapons. A different character using the Moonstaff of Elune main hand staff appearance sees her staff appear on her back upside down while on the login screen, and this second staff remains when the character unsheaths her weapon in game. (Edit to say that on this character, who is a druid, shapeshifting to a different form and back will reset the graphical error. The problem doesn’t recur as long as I remain logged in. It’s only at initial login that the error is created, as far as I can tell.)

The gun she has equipped is Calibrated Hand Canon

The transmogged weapon is Taut Driftwood bow

My hunter is one of the four ‘favorites’ on the login screen. Though, I haven’t noticed this bug with the other three.

I have had this occur twice on my Monk with two different staves. It doesn’t appear to affect gameplay, but it does look odd.

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Having the same issue as a hunter with the bows duplicating.