Too Many New Systems

Ugh, Blizz obviously didn’t learn anything.

More systems equals more daily chores instead of engaging content.



I’d appreciate it if a piece with a higher item level was always better than the same piece with a lower item level.


Why did u have to choose another character instead of posting on your rogue?

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It looks like they can be progressed by doing The endgame content of your choice, though. That’s a bonus.

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So far my understanding is those systems will replace old ones. So it’s not just adding systems it’s reworking them. But yes the presentation felt system heavy, but give the man a chance he only had an hour and for me it felt like watching eminem for how fast he was going.

We need less simplicity. It’s sad that path of exile has more variety than wow

What he described in the stream does sound engaging to me. As long as the systems aren’t like essences and corruption, I think we’ll be fine.

As long as it’s a lot more intuitive and it doesn’t feel like the game hates you like POE does I think it can work.

That’s the best way to say it actually.

I love poe but it doesn’t love me

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The game was at its best without all this complexity.


I mean I can’t say I disagree 100 percent but st the same time the game needs to grow. It’s too old and mmos aren’t what they once were


Problem then is that they’d have to design many more pieces of gear to maintain progression in small steps. With gear enhancement, you keep gear much longer while you enhance it, or your neck piece for additional power increases.

I think wanting ilvl to be completly relevant isn’t gonna happening, I think it’s fine that there’s some choice to make up to 10 ilvl of difference. The problem is mostly rings without main stats and sockets when they’re too much powerful.

I don’t personnaly like gear enhancing much if we’re talking the valor way. It’s fine if they do a patch about it, but constantly not being able to equip gear atleast the week you drop it and having to enhance multiple pieces of gear for multiple specs makes it the same pain as if you want to get multiple set of corruption gear right now.

Additional systems is a problem, but if it’s a reworking of existing systems, maybe it’ll be better? Trying to stay positive here.

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As long as the systems are an easy progression as you level and play your toon it’s not all bad. But as soon as he said Conuits are like relics that you have to grind out to enhance your power, it makes me wonder just how “alt friendly” all these systems will be. We where told SL is one of the most ALT Friendly expansions in a long time and seeing so my systems make me feel the opposite.

That’s the reason people enjoy gear progression. Not gear, essence, heart, azerite, corruption, Mother’s Research, cloak, system currency etc etc.

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The worst part of it all? These systems will be all at the start of shadowlands. That is too much! :thinking:

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waiting to see how compulsory they are throughout the week

I’ll do my chores like 2 days in the week, but I just wanna play the game for the others

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Precisely! I am worried that they will add even more systems in 9.1 and so on.

Every xpac now just churns out the same mundane & rehashed systems that directly affect player power and progression - its uninspired and its not fun.


If SL is bad, the leveling changes will keep me busy.
I’ll just keep running old content for mogs and such and only run SL for what i want from it.
I dont know how it could be worse than BFA.