Too many mobs frustration rant

i can’t take it, i’m just trying to get from point A, to point B, or collect some random object that isn’t picked-up instantly, when suddenly- BAM! got about 8 mobs all gangin up on me, interrupting me mid-pick-up. i want to kill them all quickly, but i can’t, i’m in blood spec, because none of the others have the mitigation/healing needed to survive fighting more than 2 or 3 enemies at a time. it’s getting ridiculous, i HATE this crap, i miss being able to kill enemies without having getting frustrated with the limitations of my spec…

tl:dr, just a frustrated rant from accidentally running into about a hundred spriggans in ardenweald.


It sounds like you would benefit from becoming one of

I don’t think that changes the number of annoying mobs.

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But it will change

Because every last patch has catchup gear that makes you more powerful minimum than the gear available to regular players in the first patch so he can just mow through mobs :+1:

summon pet -send in pet- grab loot- run away

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Itd be like blizz to make their current world mob scaling scale higher with every patch :dizzy_face: just so that catchup gear doesn’t do anything meaningful lol

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probably does’nt help that i’ve now just finished threads of fate… and am still at 59. that- that does’nt help my frustrations.

Hate Thread of Fate. I’m sorry you have issues with mobs as…DK. <.<

Honestly, I felt the Maw is way worse. Mobs are everywhere.

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  • Reason #1 why Im not currently playing the game…asinine loot-a-rang changes that did nothing to stop bots but ego wont allow them to revert.
  • Reason #2 why Im not currently playing the game, lol…ridiculous mob density.
  • Reason #3 why Im not currently playing the game…ROOT/SLOW/STUN isnt funny or fun or challenging…its annoying and obviously a cheap cereal filler for more time /played.
  • Reason #4 why Im not currently playing the game…game has no interest since 9/9.
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oh the maw is worse! but like, right now that’s not an issue for me… yet.

right now it’s literally the crap-ton of mobs all crowded in a single area, just waiting to make my questing difficult to the point it’s starting to burn me out.


I know that threads pain, I put like 6 characters in it before I tried leveling through it, don’t like it, so now Blizz can expect 6*$60 whenever they enable 60 boosts :laughing:

In a week or so when you’ve got your covenant set at 197 + a few WQ or PvP pieces, you’ll be tearing through all that annoying trash. 59-early 60 is just a horrible feeling place

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oh, i know, i got a necrolord dk who can handle pretty-much anything, but this night-fae dk lacks the same ‘punch’ i’m assuming it’s 'cause of the ‘rush-rush-rush’ night-fae ability, but. i dunno. i mean, my necrolord one was a LOT stronger at this same point i just… dunno.

They made sure in this expansion you don’t get to go from any one point to another without wasting as much time as possible on every single annoyance they want to throw at you.
Every single mob having a charge + slow + 80 yard casting range ftw.


I love it, big pulls leave big piles.

Ever since Argus, they have decided to just up the mob density to ridiculous levels. BFA wasn’t bad actually, but Argus and SL are awful.

kill. them. all. annihilate the entire zone for their transgressions. make the respawns watch in fear.

(flyings coming soon my dude, be patient till then. or, ya know, ^)