Too many hunters

Agreed.Nerf demon hunters :crazy_face:

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lmao…just stop son…youre embarassing yourself. lmao.
If youre saying Disengage, Interrupts and Feign Death isnt defensive, youre CLEARLY trolling here.
perma blocked for trolling this forum

perma blocked for trolling son
interrupts are LITERALLY DEFENESIVE lmao.
oh god…tell me youre one of those DPS players who doesnt even know he has an interrupt let alone how to use it to stop an attack being cast :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hunter was without a doubt the easiest class for me to learn and play at a decent level in this expac. Can of course master it but just going MM and hitting keys is going to get more done than some other classes with rotations known.

So, probably because it’s incredibly easy and forgiving for nubs.


Wonder how the OP felt when demon hunters were added lol.

Evidently that applies to a couple trolling sorts in here as well. lol.
BM hunter has one of the best defensive tool kits in the game. Being able to blow myself clear of ground damage, etc with Disengage, Turtle shell, numerous interrupts including Intimidation, Counter Shot, Scatter Shot and Freezing Trap, Misdirect to get the crap off me…anyone claiming hunter has little defenses has NO clue how to play the thing, lmao.

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Maybe because the concept of the class appeals to them?

Seriously, every dam time I log in, a hunter!


I haven’t done a dungeon, world boss, or raid with a pet ever since Lone Wolf became a thing.

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For me it’s because it is the only ranged physical damage dealer and I also like pet classes


I wasn’t a fan, personally. The fights were pretty cool, though.

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The duality of hunters: carrying people in their groups or screaming about being last place dps because of the loss of double tap.

Imagine caring enough about what other people like to play to post a troll thread.

Too much time on your hands OP.

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God, we’re a weird class.

Play hunter if you

a) like pets!
b) REALLY like pets!
c) don’t like pets at all


I was thinking about making a hunter so I can afk while dpsing


Is your account. If you want to max out on alts max out on alts.

Stay salty OP.

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Hunter is extremely fun, pets are great, and it’s an appealing class fantasy.

huh…yeah, I didnt think of that. Kill Command, then go make a sandwich and maybe watch some Seinfeld :joy::+1:

I think I’ll roll a hunter today.

Just for you, subby.

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