Too many hunters

Yup, especially grinding low-risk content. I just misdirect onto my pet, hit barrage while whirling in a circle, and then just casually alternate mend pet and multi-shot to keep beast cleave up while I enjoy a snack and a drink, and chortle over witty banter to my fellow Hunters about the dreadful, unbecoming struggles of those peasant rogues.


If there is a spike in hunters I’d say it might be because DF mechanics are really hard on ranged classes that have to keep moving around and interrupting casts. But hunters, especially BM, don’t have this problem.


Why are there so many whiny rogues?


Could be whiny rogues getting owned by hunters…:wink:


Just push higher keys in m+, you’ll never see a Hunter, arguably horrible, brings nothing to the group, squishy as hell, sub bar utility compared to melee.

Personally if I pug into a key with a Hunter I leave, they need help.

Only plus side, very easy to play.

Now I want to see if we can 5 hunter team through a dungeon.

um… ranged interupts with a low CD, Bloodlush, massive AoE damage and massive single target damage, party/raid wide leech and vision through terain to teamates, various forms of CC from frost traps to take a healing mob out of the fight to binding shot to keep mobs clustered into an AoE which can then be chained with tartrap that snares them in place, flares to see stealth mobs…

I’m not saying we have the best utility but saying we bring nothing to the group is outright a lie.


20 sec interrupt vs melee with 15, no AoE stun, binding requires them to move out, NOT ONE SANE Hunter will ever talent into leech, frost trap is far worse then what rogues, dh and monks ST CC and has no travel time, and compared to other range, Boomkin and Shadow Priests and Mages their dps is horrible.

Low survivability, squishy as hell. Literally no utility that benefits the party.

Like I said, I’m talking high keys, low keys especially from what your doing they are great. But higher they are trash.

In what world PvE wise, do we need vision through obstacles? Never. Not in raid not in m+.

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Because they are really fun to play… ? Pretty easy, pets, awesome for solo stuff, great mobility and bows. :bow_and_arrow:
If you don’t like hunters then don’t play one and quit worrying what other people are doing.

^ Also this.

Everybody should have a hunter.


And hunters DPS is defintly not low.

If you look at top class representation Hunters and Druids take the cake at 11% each.

Hunters are relatively easy regardless of spec, but especially BM.

Druids have a lot of versatility in what they can be/do so it’s very appealing.

Seems like every pug raid I’ve been in its at least 5 hunters and then 6 druids (3 or 4 of them healing), its really fun when the class token drops. I need to stop pugging lol

Hunters take no skill to play thats why.

Someone bring me the peanut butter and some bread… OP is providin me JELLY.

You think it’s perfectly fine for bm to be doing better single target than sin rogue while also being able to dodge and run around freely?

or the clumsy extra pulls and poor play ; depends what type of hunter you get :wink:

I mean, your class’ whole schtick is stabbing people while combat stealthed… mine barely has a 30% heal every 2 minutes and a shield that takes us outta combat. Hunter damage mitigation is basically running away, yours is hiding and back stabbing, do we REALLY need to have THAT convo? munches on peanut butter and jelly sandwich

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Really the only thing SUPER broken in PVP is hybrid classes that can basically deal damage AND heal huge amounts or even just ignore most damage… eye balls Paladins and Feral Druids

IF Blizzard ever nerfed Hunter DPs or mobility either one (or both) they’d have to make us less glass cannons to compensate, basically making us stationary turrets. It’s all about the checks and balances…

Because Hunter is the most chill class in the game.

Unless you’re a Survivalist. Then you’re just asking for a rough time.

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