Too many buttons in shadowlands

We know what the ability does. But it doesn’t mean it’s good to have that ability.

Like yes hunters mark increases Dps. By that Dps increase is relative to everything in the game.

It’s juist more buttons to press aka ability bloat.

Classes for most part played fine by end of BFA.

Blizzard is fixing problems that were never there. Self healing was not a problem DKs had…


FFS a DH complaining about too many buttons?


Played warlock in uldir got cutting edge.

Had most kill while they were relevant in WOTLK and had top 50 US kill deathwing in DS.

You on the other hand… are a level 104 warrior? You haven’t even played legion or BFA yet. I can run you thru some FH boosts once you get level 110. Hmu.


I’m fine don’t worry. Need some arena tips though?

Let me give you a freebie keybinding your interupts to more than one key helps tremendously.

I know its 2 more keybinds, a lot to handle, but you can do it.

Don’t care one bit for arena besides the gear I need from it. Also you’re profile is hidden you’re 1700 rated. If you want me to help you get 1800 for your t mog hmu


For the SECOND TIME in less than 2 weeks, no less. FFS, the other one’s last post was only 5 days ago. I think this one just likes attention.

I have an entire keyboard - stop trying to take away my spells. If you hate having buttons, choose passive talents. Thank you.


I disagree with too many buttons, but some classes get useless abilities for certain specs. Almost like they were chosen entirely at random and thrown in as baseline abilities ‘just because’

Humanity…i love you bud cause you push higher keys than me…but if they are useless then why would they be on your action bars in the first place?

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Haha I like where this thread is going :popcorn:

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No it wasn’t. Not everyone wants a 2 button class.

Why? How many new buttons are you even getting? 2 with covenants, maybe 2-3 unpruned ones?

They have niche purpose. Like this:

  • I’m a mage
  • I’m frost
  • I’m PvPing
  • this guy is about to LoS me
  • he is 10%
  • all my insta cast abilities are on CD
  • arcane missiles

Boom, you score the kill because you used a niche ability. Niche abilities allow good players to separate themselves from the retards who foam at the mouth while spamming blade dance and eye beam.

No its not, it prevents stealth. Did you even read the tool tip?

BDK plays whack-a-mole with like 6 buttons for its DPS. Its a fun class, certainly not bloated.

W.T.F. was BFA your first expansion? The game you are describing is some hello kitty island adventure grade garbage. Passively apply my curse? Why even play the game lmao, just have a passive aura that does damage based on your ilvl if you are in range of the boss.

There are 99 problems with Shadowlands. Unpruning ain’t one.


People complain about pruning. Blizz initiates operation unpruned. People complain about unpruning. No wonder they dont take you guys seriously lol.
:champagne: :popcorn:


Oh please, I’m totally going to use primal strike, flametongue and lightning shield.

Its fugly and i have like 8 seasons worth of elite sets in my void storage already. Thanks tho.

Hope Blizzard figure a build for you.


He’s a gladiator and this entire thread is stupid. Having more utility is almost always better. I’m so happy blizzard is going in this direction. Hopefully we get back to cata/mop levels of utility in the future


This is the same OP that felt the need to create a thread to announce his raiderio score on GD forums.

I’m assuming in BFA with DH being meta he finally had his chance to feel like he wasn’t terrible and it went to his head.

Now he sees with AoE cap and knows he will have to swap back to a class with depth in shadowlands if he wants to push keys and is complaining they are too hard after rotting his brain playing DH for 2 years.


I can deal with the added spells but Bliz needs to remove that cd every spell/attack has! It’s so freaking annoying! At least on my ret Pally so far anyways.

It feels so slow like I’m waiting on attacks that before I didn’t need to wait on.

Unpruning is good! They are just unpruning the wrong abilities, that’s all.



Enhancement went so far as to “un-prune” ‘passive’ weapon imbues that we currently have into ‘active’ abilites in SL.

It’s silly

What about the curses we got? What about the new talents we got? What about any of the other unpruned abilities that aren’t worthless? You zeroed in on one worthless ability for one spec and claimed that it is an example of the unpruning effectiveness.

Just because you have an extra spell, doesn’t mean you are forced to use that spell. Just because you can’t think of a reason to use corruption doesn’t mean it’s a bad spell for Destruction. Just a quick example, how about older content, or farming in general, where you want to tag a lot of mobs very quickly? Destruction, before corruption, had a terrible issue with quickly tagging mobs.

RP wise, we are a Warlock sacrificing someone to summon a powerful demon… seems pretty great RP wise. “Other Wise”, it summons a powerful demon, which seems pretty good for just about any problem that you would need a demon to solve.