Hi all just came back from a break and was wondering if it is too late to start solo blitz and shuffle. I read season 2 will start next week or a little later in beginning of March. Should I go for it? I’m in all greens and no embellishments.
The embellishments are mostly negligible imo, but you’re probably not going to have fun in either bracket in full greens.
It’s never too late to start if you’re not worried about reaching a certain rating, but if you’re aiming for rewards, I would prioritize shuffle, as you can climb hundreds of cr per lobby until you catch up to your mmr.
For blitz rating, while it’s easier if you have the time to grind out the games, I’d say it’s too late unless you have a ton of time to grind out rating, because rating is capped at 24 cr max on wins once you reach around 1500 cr (not sure of exact values, but it was around this for me).
If not worried about the rewards, just queue whichever you prefer or both if you find either or both modes fun.
Starting mmr in SS is like 2k… win a few games and you can get 2400 as dps. Only downfall is you’ll be sitting some long ques unless you heal. If you do heal play hpal.
Nope, although I guess it depends on goals and time.
Play an ele shaman I hear those are pretty broken rn
Just do world quests with wm on. Takes about 2 days to get 636. Then you can fill in the rest with crafted gear.
1800 is doable. Might run into time constraints for higher.
I will try a few to see how it is. Thank you guys for the advice! I appreciate it!
When is season over
Monday night at like 10 central or something.
Darn. I only hit rank 987.
Good luck and keep us posted!
Nah you can still do Solo Q and grind the mog. I only did 6 matches and already 1620. Probably would have been higher if I didn’t get obliterated by a match full of max geared ranged players. I only got four purples lol it’s still manageable. Last match I went 5-1 so yeh. My avg is sitting at 1900+ currently.
Not late at all. Decided to give mage a try for the first time ever and it sucked! But queues are very fast (had 5m queues and some were even instant). Crafting reagents are cheap too.