Too hard to solo delve with monk

Monks have very good kit to tackle delves, especially on T8. I’m sorry honey, you saying you lost attention due to fatigue I really don’t know what I can suggest.

Take a break and try again.

It also comes every 20-30 seconds (I forget which at the moment).

Curious, because I’ve had little issue doing T8s as WW and my ilvl isn’t that far off from yours. Some packs and events can be a little touch-and-go because Brann decides he doesn’t want to heal sometimes, but I’ve otherwise not noticed any issues for a while now.

It would help if you were more specific about what you were doing and what was killing you at the beginning.

I just did Earthcrawl Mines T8 solo on my 570 mistweaver. I found this one to be one of the easier ones on MW. You can pull most mobs in there singly and use the moving cart to damage them (at least on today’s story mode in there). The last boss in there can be rough in there on a toon with no healing because of the 2 big dots he does (especially if you’re undergeared), but if you can heal through those, that boss doesn’t do much else (assuming you dodge the cart).

I had a huge problem with today’s Nightmare Sanctum and the three mob final boss. I think I would have been able to do it if Brann wasn’t stupid and would leave my CC’d mob alone instead of breaking it every single time. I just couldn’t outlast/outkite the three mobs continually aggroed on me. Was hoping for the story with the single boss on the boat, as he’s easy if you just dodge stuff.


Thanks for all the tips. I’m playing a little better now after studying all the talents and spells, but still the mobs hit very hard. Specially the last boss.

I found a weak aura stagger bar which helped a lot.

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Monk is a class very easy to learn but hard to master. However, I can guarantee you that with enough effort you can do it the best. Monks, at the moment, are the best class to solo content right now, being even with hunters.

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No issues here. /shrug

You failed the pulse check lol.

Brewmaster is in such a bad stat right now.

I play a BrM monk, and I cleared an 8 delve at like 581 ilvl or so, it wasn’t too bad.

I have Brann as a DPS.

Had to teleport away a few times to heal myself with instant Vivify and whatnot, maybe kite a few things, but overall I didn’t die more than once.

Yeah, Monk toolkit is kinda insane if everything is used properly. Teleport out if things get hairy, self-heal and whatnot, kiting potential as a melee.

Ring of Peace alone, had come in clutch for me several times.

Did you try a lower tier? Just keep moving down until you can defeat the boss.

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1- Set brann to healer
2- Get some Gfuel or other quality gamer supp
3- Dont stand in the ca ca
4- Experience victory.

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I’m actually in the process of trying get a MW Monk to 80 since it’s so fun.

But yeah the last boss in Earthen Cavern it’s basically a Interrupt check, if you can kick Curse of Agony and/or Runic Shackles, it’s pretty much GG.

This fight is a bugged mess lol, even tho I can clear it on my Priest, if I Dominate Mind one of the bosses it despawns all 3 of them resetting the fight. I enjoy the one on the boat more.

IKR? Monk gets a freaking group CC that summons a traveling cloud that goes forward in front of you that puts ppl to sleep.

I love classes that get tools like that in their kit, reminds me of how Hunter had access to Wyvern Sting(Which Blizzard stupidly gotten rid of.).

What is that?

yeah, on my 2 tanks (dh and dk) the delvs are “easy” but the boss takes ages to kill. I never tried to switch specs from tank to dps after i cleared the delv but I think i might try that as frost dk seems to be slapping dps over blood. Ill have to start switching to dps demon hunter before i check my vaults now that im fully maxed on my dh tank gear (not even sure if we can change specs in a delv) would be probably much easier as a pure dps at boss

Energy drink for gamers

First time hearing of this myself. :joy:

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I’ve been doing some 8s in 595 gear. Definitely not easy but doable. What level is your Bran? Mine is 23. Also, you might need to talent for a bit more survivability and gear for more speed. Worst case grind more 7s until Bran gets leveled up.

Zekvir is an achievement that appears occasionally, IIRC, not every run.

And he dropped loot regardless. So…?

Better loot if you don’t run out of lives.

WW can clear tier 8 at sub 600 item level. You just can’t rush into stuff. Heck at 615 you can get overwhelmed if too much stuff aggros and piles on your face.
Tbh I have a harder time soloing T8 as BrM. Being super squishy as brew compared to last expact has me sticking to WW in content this patch.

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Especialliy if you’re relying on Bran to heal, you need to stop for a minute and let his Cooldowns reset.

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