Too all horde QQ about queue times



Reading the initial responses from that thread are hilarious in retrospect.


It is sad given the damage Horde and their tone-deaf immaturity did to the health of Classic, but given how toxic Horde was after Phase 2 and their responses, I say let it burn to the ground. They can only blame themselves. I, and many others, no longer care about the health and longevity of Classic anymore.


Ah yes, the smug horde playerbase believing that it’s completely normal to honor farm Iron Forge and think the faction balance is 50/50

ROFL re-roll or quit for better queue times, its only going to get worse, and TBC aint gonna save you.

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I stopped caring about classic when blizz openned up paid transfers. They are responsible for the mega servers, layering, and faction balance. All of which ruined the game for anyone wanting a vanilla experience, and now of course AFTER the feces hit the fan with phase 2, they offer a paid service to fix their mistakes.

This game is literally (how much do you think we can milk the playerbase?) That is all it is. They create problems for people, and offer a sollution you have to pay for. Very jesuitical approach to running an MMO


I’m fine with the queue. It gives me time to either gank in the world (which is fun) or do real-life stuff.

Phase 2 was absolutely amazing.

(My server is 60% alliance)

Reminds me when I shut down thread after thread doomcalling the “premades will scout out pugs and dodge other premades” BS back in November.


the instant AV queues at all hours of day and night are kinda cool though fr Alliance.

Queue times don’t bother me, but the high and mighty alliance does. Alliance were just as toxic on Heartseeker as horde were everywhere else.

everyone one keeps bringing up the legit one alliance dominated server. That was a result of horde overpopulating every server because of racial edge. How about we talk about the other 100 servers that were legit ruined by horde sitting at fps, boats, and dungeon portals.

legit this same mind set is what RUINED mythic raiding. hurr durr trolls get 5% haste better ruin the balance of the game by forcing every competitive alliance guild horde


One server is enough. I know for a fact if the alliance had a higher population than horde, they’d be doing exactly the same things.

Heartseeker is a refugee server, if anything, as horde you are victim blaming. Only alliance have right to blame them as they didn’t stay to make the server better, but instead flee to greener pastures.

It is not enough. Heartseaker was a symptom of horde toxicity. Most alliance on heartseaker went there after being needlessly over camped at every fp, dungeon portal, major city, and boat in the game.


I personally don’t care if alliance or horde do it, that’s why I went to Heartseeker knowing what would probably happen. The issue comes from the alliance thinking they’re better than the horde because they happened to be the ones to draw the short straw. You guys are no better.

No moral equivalency here. It’s actually not even close.

The factions aren’t as morally grey as Blizzard wants you to believe.

In terms of doing everything you can do win? You guys are definitely better at that. We let crap like “Honor and Respect and Humanity” and all that other garbage get in the way of what we should be doing, which is wiping out horde scum until they all quit the game for good. Just like you guys try to do.

The people who went to Heartseeker unironically went to the dark side. You can’t simply be the sith crying about your new overlords.

I want to see a video of the alliance doing toxic stuff like this.


Heartseeker was imbalanced well before P2. There are many more close to even servers than there are imbalanced ones. Queue times really aren’t that bad.

The BRD video happened even on my server. Sometimes Alliance would be the ones ganking, sometimes Horde. Maybe it’s not every night, but it goes to show Alliance are no different.

Horde are not better at it, they just happen to be the lucky ones. Alliance can and will do it if they have the chance.

There are way more “to all the horde complaining about q times” vs actual “complaining about q times” threads. Keep trying to make yourself feel better about getting wrecked in P2 WPVP though :woman_shrugging: