Tomorrows is days of Pilgrims Bountys. Kittys is wish yous much happys

Good evenings.

Though we is has celebrates Pilgrims Bountys for many days, tomorrows is days in which most celebrations takes place. Traditionallys, it is days to be thankfuls for all we has.

Theys is many peoples outs there who no believes theys has anythings to be thankfuls for and theys feel losts and alones. I’s just wants yous to knows, from bottoms of Kittys hearts, that hers DO’s cares abouts yous. Even if we no evers meets, even if we no evers fights in same battles…yous IS a parts of this worlds and the roles yous plays IS importants. Maybe yous no knows yous purpose at this moments, but somedays yous will.

If yous in hard times rights now, yous must knows it WILL gets better. This is all parts of what makes yous who yous is. It’s steppin stones to yous greatness. Whatever yous hardships is, yous IS strong enoughs to overcomes it. I’s believes in yous.

Just know that Kittys <3’s yous. All of yous. And I’s wish yous much happys. But if yous is sads and needs to talks, Kittys is here and has ALWAYS been confidentials with personal informations.

Yous can always sends me mails in games and I’s be glads to talks. Makes sures to eats a good meals tomorrows. It makes yous feel betters. And if yous no has meals, theys no things I’s can do rights nows but please reach outs to Kittys and hers WILL make sures yous at least has proper meals for Winters Veils.

This years, I’s thanksfuls for all of YOUS because yous has makes my times in Azeroths so memorables and sweets.

Unless yous Hordes. Theys stinks and stuffs.


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Thanks, can you send me a Thanksgiving love package over the mail? That’d be great.

Happy turkey day kitty!

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