Tomorrow the complaints about very long BG Q’s begin.
Are you ready?
Also there will be QQ about pre-made groups dominating the BG’s.
Blizzard is guilty of a lot of crap, but the players are every bit as guilty of a pile of their own crap.
These two things are among them.
I am going to be disappointed because while grobby is pretty damned balanced, our horde queues will be effected by the imbalance of horde elsewhere. So we will get the worst of both worlds: no server identity in BGs, and longer queues.
Not sure how many battlegroups there are. But it may vary depending.
Cross server BGs- means mixing pvp and pve servers, so the queues will be fairly minimal- Alliance may even get AV queues, and Horde WSG.
Guess we’ll see tomorrow.
We might find out that max level Horde players farmed too many Alliance levelers.
PVE oriented Alliance players will turn out for PVP in the same volume that PVP oriented Horde will?
Man I don’t know about that…
Did Blizzard say if they’re allowing premade raid queuing for Classic bgs?
oh it should be interesting what happens tomorrow as far as the whine of the day goes.
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No, probably not- but at first they will for AV. Until they get exalted and get the rewards, which may take a month or two, I expect to see Alliance in AV in strength.
Eventually though- it’ll probably dwindle.
they’re hoping that all the pve/rp server alliance will queue for hours into their premades. the tears will be delicious in a week or so.
It’ll be the same as it was in vanilla. Premades will be able to queue for WSG and AB(when it releases), but not AV.
Cross realm battlegrounds… GG blizz I think I am done with the bastardised version of vanilla called classic you have put out… private servers did it better.
Yeah, but will it just be premade groups? Or full premade raids too?
That the thing, PVE oriented players are only chasing gear… These guys don’t understand the Horde because they don’t think like we do… They don’t get that the horde PVP because its fun and the only reason they get gear is simply to KILL MORE ENEMIES!
I hate xserver BGs too but this has been common knowledge since long before classic even came out…
They said they would listen to what the community wanted, which is why diremaul came out early… and why battlegrounds released early.
You can take a full 10 man into WSG.
I expect to see a lot of premade dodging- mostly from premades ironically enough. Losing a battle quickly to a premade instead of taking deserter (is deserter in Vanilla? I actually don’t remember) is only a waste of queue time for a pug.
Winning a battle as a premade vs a pug is fast, easy honour.
It’s when you get premade vs premade that one tends to dodge to avoid the challenge.
That might generate more QQ than the bg queue times…
Oh, it definitely will generate quite a lot lmao
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