Tome of the Hybrid Beast?

I’ve just returned to WoW to try out Shadowlands, playing my Hunter. I tried taming a Larion from Bastion and was told I don’t know how yet, so I search it up and apparently I need a Tome of the Hybrid Beast

It says I need to have completed the Legion Class Order campaign on my Hunter to be able to buy this book. I know I did, and I have the achievement for it. But the Vendor doesn’t sell anything.

Has this changed with Shadowlands? How do I unlock taming Feathermanes?

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You also need to finish the quests for the Breaching the Tomb Achievement. Then on Broken Shore , A Golden Ticket - Quest - World of Warcraft ( will be available. Next is Night of the Wilds - Quest - World of Warcraft ( Then you should be able to purchase the Tome.


The comments there has a list of all Hunter tomes.

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That’s a lot of stuff to do in content from 2 expansions ago… guess I’m not getting new pets


yup, it takes effort, but there are also 3 mounts behind this chain, so consider it when you have the time to grind through it all. Wolfhawk mounts, and one is nice foresty green. I’m starting the questlines now, but at lvl 60 it should be cake.

It’s a lot, but at lvl 60 it’s super easy. Working on mine atm. Only part that’s taking long is the time gated parts. World quests and hall missions mainly.

Should have posted that on my hunter instead of Jerisa, woops.

This is in the hunter hall right?

After you complete the hunter campaign, Breaching the Tomb (Legion) achievement and your mount quest - you can purchase the tomb from the stable master in the Hunter Hall. I actually finished it last night and was able to purchase the tome and 2 additional mount colors.

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Sorry… used wrong character

I’m on a character that has never played legion. Where do I start the hunter campaign?