Tomb of Sargeras Mythic Demonic Inquisition Bugged

Hey All,

I am running my weekly tomb of sargeras mythic for transmogs, and after killing the 1st boss and hearing the speech, the door to demonic inquisition will not open. Ive reset UI, logged in an out, reset instances and waited 30 min to go back in and the door to demonic inquisition still will not open to fight the boss. The helmet is my last remaining piece so its the only boss I need to fight lol. I don’t know what else to do other than wait until Tuesday, but if this bug happens again, then that would be 2 wasted weeks. Any help appreciated

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Post in the bug forums.

I think DW means bug.

I have no idea what ur talking about.

DW, you’re a trip.

You killed Goroth too early.

When you first enter the zone, an NPC (I don’t recall which off hand) will be standing in front of the door to the Inquisition. After the initial event is triggered leading to Goroth spawning, this NPC will walk into the Demonic Inquisition room and close the door behind them. If that door has not finished closing before Goroth dies you will break the event script and the door will remain closed until the next raid reset.

Note you can engage Goroth before the door has finished closing and not cause any problems - you just can’t kill him before that.


100% What happened. I killed him faster than normal. I figured I was screwed until next week, but this definitely confirms it. Thank you for answering my question and your help, I appreciate it! Wish I could do more than like a post! Also a good warning to anyone else who kills him too quick.

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Problem with older content thie higher the level the higher the dps so the trick is to slow it down.