Tolerating Multiboxing is a dangerous precedent to set

No its based on justice. Something the corrupt greatly fear.

The difference here is you have to take the time to do that on every single character. Multiboxing you can get the reward of gold for doing it on 50 in the time it takes to do it on 1.

I am starting to see this to be honest.

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Is it jealousy when they say “lock up that robber, he stole 1 million dollars” are we jealous of the 1 million dollars, or maybe we just want justice done for a crime.

But then you agree I’m not getting more

I’d rather just have a fair game without people having clear advantages and multipliers on work done

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How a multiboxer stealing 1 million dollars though?

It’s nice being able to just quote myself :slight_smile:

Since its allowed by blizzard the only crime here I see is the refusal to just accept an advantage. It’s already allowed. Why pretend like you aren’t doing what you are doing.

Game is fair
Thought so prior to becoming a multiboxer as well
Other people who aren’t multiboxers also say the same


Well you are because that would take a significant chunk if not all of the day and now you have all 50x extra time to get gold or farm other mounts in the same time period

Because laws and rules can be changed.

You are getting at that point 50x more than anyone else would get with the same time investment because you paid more money.

That time does exist but I never did anything, 50 emissaries and I’m good on wow for the day lol

It is jealousy in the sense of saying 2 of the exact same dude doing the exact same thing but the first dude get 500$ for it and the second one get 5000$ is unfair.

Their response is basically “Just work for 10 hours and you can get as much money as i do in an hour lol”.

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This is absurd. Do people defend ponzi schemes with such rigor too? “Its the free market, you had a choice to avoid it”.

So you paid for 50x free time outside of wow while getting the same benefits in game as a regular player?

Well good luck to you on your endeavours, I’m sure these complaints will go far, just like the rest of them from the last 15 or so years.

Is this bragging about an advantage you paid for while also denying that it exists?


Kaurmine vs Boxxing Kaurmine is making the same amount of gold in a day :man_shrugging: