Token just hit 400,000 gold

It really isn’t about X amount of real life work = X amount of money. Most of the people i know that use gold to pay for their sub do so because they have millions of gold just sitting around and don’t have anything to spend it on.

I tend to hover between 5 and 10 million gold at any given time and have paid for a heap of WoW services/expansions with it, why you might ask? I have pretty much every gold sink item you could think of, i buy store mounts and pets for friends too, but the gold keeps steadily rolling in.

I must say though, i think it may very well be a case of wealth breeding wealth, when you have millions of gold sitting around and nothing that you need to buy, it’s always going to keep piling up, if i were new to the game and didn’t have a stockpile already sitting there, i probably wouldn’t be able to afford (in WoW terms) the things currently do.

damn a near 20% nose dive so far lol.

That’s what I do. I’m saving my gold up just in case they bring that AH mount back. Not on the Black Market, though. Hopefully a vendor will sell it again. :crossed_fingers:

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Which is why Blizzard needs to take aggressive action against auction house botting.

Botting is where the “free gold” people get comes from. And I’m not talking about the flower-pickers.

They need to take a hard-line stance against all forms of automated play, doesn’t matter if it’s picking flowers or playing the AH.

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That would be nice. They refuse to ever take action against AH botting, though.

Calling cap people actually buying tokens.

Blizzard is just selling gold

Yeah, it does seem to be one of those areas where they’re scared to step on toes, i say gut the entire thing, get rid of anything that even comes close (Tradeskillmaster included). The way the new AH is now, you really shouldn’t need it anyway.

naw ! its only 334k now. I just looked.

there you go good example of supply and demand. Since alot of people decided to buy the token to sell them it tanked the price hard


No new gold (or at least any substantial amount) is added to the economy since it’s moving from one player to another. Upon further research, they are sold in the order that they were placed on the market, so there is a chance of a small difference in what it sold for vs what it was bought for. This amount is likely negligible due to the tokens selling so fast that the difference between those values don’t have time to change much between the two transactions.

theres no proof o nthis, youre told this by blizzard. nothing is stopping them from flat out lying about it.

not like them lying about it would be illegal.

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you don’t buy tokens “at a price”. they’re not contracts. you buy a token with a fluctuating price. the gold price you get is set at the time you list the token for sale, not at the time you buy the token.

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Have you ever bought a token for gold?

You know the gold leaves your inventory right?

So what you are suggesting is that blizzard takes gold from player A and evaporates it. Poof gone.

Then creates gold to give to player B out of thin air.

If this is the case, it still doesn’t prove that “blizzard is selling gold”. So your delusional conspiracies = the same thing as player a pays player b.

This isn’t proof.

Blizzard letting you gold sink isnt proof the token is actually being bought by other players… if Blizzard wanted to they could make it so you could see the other player you buy from, send them an in game thank you or just let the playerbase decide the price.

Instead it’s all automated and you’re all just blindly trusting the company that made diablo immortal and Warcrsft Rumble could be lying about the whole thing.

What do you think gold sinks are… swear you token defenders are so funny

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There is no help for anyone, the crisis of this world has reached Azeroth, it is time to purge.

So person A pays gold (and loses it) and gets blizzard bucks.

Person B pays money and gets gold.

I have done both.

So where is the conspiracy? Even if blizzard creates gold for tokens, gold is still being taken away from the player that paid with gold.

I think your tinfoil hat is on too tight, it’s cutting off blood circulation to your brain.


clearly you have no idea what a gold sink means. Let me explain to you since you seem to have a hard time. Gold sink is when gold gets spend and it disappear. Good examples are fees from selling items in AH, repair bills, item bought from the npc w/ gold but can be sell back for a much cheaper price or not at all. What isn’t a gold sink is me giving someone else gold. It’s just passing gold around.

Actually it’s worse than that. People aren’t gonna farm 24hrs. Assuming they’re not botting the most someone is gonna play for in a given day is probably around 18 hours. So that’s 1mill/18 = 55.56k per hour or 925.96g per minute.