Token is crashing!

Its cute that you believe the change has anything to do with this. It hit 220k several times this month. When the gold price of the token drops this much everybody buys them from the AH sending the price back up to 300k+ Then people people stop spending gold it drops again. It fluctuates like this all the time. This is how economics work buddy. Nothing has changed.

Learn how economics work. You making this thread will cause people to see the price low and spend gold on the token which will skyrocket the price of the token. If you want the price to keep falling? When you see the price low you and everyone else should tell NO ONE. If no one is spending gold on the token the price will keep falling

Spending Gold to Buy the token off the AH = Price Goes up.
No one buys them off the AH = Price drop

I hope people stop buying them.

This is what makes the price fall. The more people that buy the token off the AH. The higher the price gets. Which is why when things like a The War Within Presale started the price shot up to 400k

Either way, I want it to shoot up again.

Too late, it’s starting to go up

It’s going up and down. Sometime’s it’ll be at like 316k and the next time you look it’s at 281k

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Because he made this thread telling everyone the price was low :rofl: So people started buying them off the AH aka Raising the price. TY for confirming what I said above. I wonder if that was the OPs Agenda here :thinking:

Then convince everyone to buy the token for gold off the AH and the price will go up aka Making your 20$ give you more gold

Yep that is when I brought tons of them too sub my account back then but when the finally got up over 50k and was staying there I went back too cash pay for my sub…

It’s not free, someone else paid for it.


I bet it’s something like 15% of accounts, something like that. Way more than what players would believe, I’m sure of it.

There’s always huge groups of bots somewhere in some isolated area, away from the players, and go undetected for a long time.

Massive amounts of ill-gotten gold.

What’s more is Blizzard likely doesn’t want to ban them because it hurts their bottom line.

So they kinda drag their feet in these ban waves, inflation hurts them too. They are a business at the end of the day.

A bot is still a paying customer.

Clearly players are not interested in the raid nor are interested rerunning the same dungeons every week + 1 year content drought to justify the sub time but the players who do those activities still need a lot of gold.

I remember when tokens didn’t exist and the first “Token” so to speak was the guardian pet which you could purchase from the in-game store and sell on the AH. It’s going price was around 20-25k.


Well, Token ain’t worth buying now.

Guess I have to earn gold the old fashion way.



if they let us sell everything we make then i wouldnt have to buy a token then put it on the AH for gold
i just bought one so hmm
269k now still worth it

buyers market, good time to buy them with gold. I know some folks thats been min maxing this system for awhile buying with money when it’s high and using the same gold to purchase them with gold when it’s low. effectively reducing their personal subscription cost by roughly 50% over time. Sometimes more depending on the dip in the market. It’s WoW’s stock exchange.

Once again I misjudged which way the gold price was gonna go last week with the announcement and spent way too much gold.

Oh well :man_shrugging:


So it would eventually stabilize.

I thought the old fashioned way, was using Paypal to send someone money. Then hope they didn’t just steal your money.

No the old fashion way was creating a nightelf character and dancing on a mailbox in stormwind or goldshire. If gold shire you and a friend initiate a duel and have a 3rd party collect the gold for you. That duel flag has extra uses. …

totally not speaking from experience.

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Same here man. Didn’t expect this kind of news about bots to further lower the price. Thought it went low enough at the start of the season.



I’ve never even seen that message before.