did you do the av 500hk one yet?
Do they actually drop for chars below 80 or only for 80?
Because right now, BRD is a waste of time for anyone not level 80, as it drops no loot.
in LFR its 3.
I have 110 on me right now, and I still have activities worth 12 (15 if I do Korrak) so that would be 122. So first one’ll cost me 60, then 40, then 20 immediately? Or is that gated by something else?
I’ve only done it all on one character, I got 1 random bronze on an alt last week.
Final Boss of BRD is 5
While the XP is pretty poor, the tokens do drop as well as leveled gear for sub-80s - just no keys so you can leave a run with nothing (except tokens now if you have the 100 ach).
Farming Blackrock Depths in LFR or Normal on alts is currently the Fastest Way.
Bosses only drop coins if they are Lootable for you FYI.
All I’m hearing is: finish the 100 achievement doing weeklies on the main, then level up the rest of the alts in TW dungeons for +2 tokens a pop, and make sure to run BRD LFR on them once they hit 80?
That was kinda my plan anyways, so don’t mind if I do!
They buffed tokens today. I got 60 tokens from todays weeklys alone.
This is why many are 3-4 sets into their collection today. I started the day at 35 before I did any weeklys.
Answered myself.
I’m down to 20 per set, today. I got Pally (60) Hunter (40) Mage (20).
I did
So far…
Well, after buying those 3 sets, I was down to 4. I just did wing 1 of LFR, I’m back up to 17, all on same character. Possible 4th set today. Edit: Make that 5. WoW.
I have Hunter, Pally, Mage, Druid and Monk.
This boost was really something.
They are dead set on making this event the most convoluted, unfun, work-like thing they could come up with. Anything that is fun doesnt give tokens. Anything that isn’t fun does, but probably doesn’t give many. And then they still want you to do the terrible TWW content like delves and PVP to get large chunks of the tokens once per week. This event should be ONLY about the event activities, and reward enough tokens to make you feel like getting something worth the time investment. I dont think anyone will ever have faith than an anniversary event will be fun again.
Its week 2 and im 5 sets in.
Sorry dude your statement doesnt hold water
Same, it’s amazing! At the rate I’m going I’ll be done by next week. Woot!
I’ve gotten all the sets already in week two.
I have many alts and I did all 3 BRD wings LFR on all of them.
Like I said in my original post after the first two to three weeks you will have tokens coming out of your ears
This does nothing but confirm that
Well yeah, it makes sense that if you’re turning WoW into a job you can get a lot of tokens very quickly. But these are also the same people who’re going to complain about having nothing to do in future anniversaries lol
I think a lot more players have a more balanced approach and won’t necessarily be sweating this stuff like that at all.