Toggle on/off Click to Move

I’m thinking there’s got to be a way to do this from within a macro, out of combat, but I’m not sure what it would be.


If you want a “why” on this I’ll give you one but the TL;dr is “it would fit my play style better.”

/run InterfaceOptionsMousePanelClickToMove:Click()

The CVar is autointeract if you don’t care about keeping the Interface/options checkbox in sync.


The run command will do it just fine. Thanks, Fizzy.

This is my go-to CVar toggle if ya don’t already have one.

/run local k,v = "autointeract" v = C_CVar.GetCVar(k) C_CVar.SetCVar(k, 1 - v) print("Auto Interact " .. (v == "1" and "Disabled" or "Enabled"))

You, Sir, are a gentleman and scholar for posting that. Works perfectly.

I just added the /run InterfaceOptionsMousePanelClickToMove:Click() to my macros. It works. Thank you.

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still works
for some reason the setting is turned off by a reload or something
having a button is so great, i had to say thanks even though this is 2 yr old thread
