Toddy is the wost new character ever created

No no, the horde can keep him.
On behalf of the alliance, i insist.

Offer you a Trade then

Baine for Toddy :dracthyr_a1:

You think maybe that was done for comedic effect?

Fine weā€™ll take him.

gets the grill ready


She annoyed me initially. Itā€™s the hair, and the then assumption that Iā€™d be spending a lot of time around her. That hasnā€™t been the case, she only turns up for climbing quests and she shares that duty with her (much better) horde counter-part.

I can deal with her for 50% of one type of daily quest. Hairā€™s still stupid, though.

Like whatā€™s with the weird stuff on the side? If she just had a mohawk, sheā€™d be fine.

I felt like I was playing a Disney game when I met Toddy then I went on to fight an Angry Bird so I forgot about it.

Toddy walking over to Gilneas with a flaming torch being like ā€œso I heard you were talking about me.ā€


Sad to say but yeah i share this opinion. Heā€™d side with the alliance over the horde in a split secondā€¦heā€™s better off BBQ. brings over cooler of beer and ale for the BBQ


Itā€™s called a Chelsea hawk.

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I mean, sheā€™s no wrathionā€¦

. . . Iā€™m . . . sorry I do not see the issue here . . . unless ya know . . . you take issue with female dwarves.

In which case


I could see her doing it, she seems fine to me though. Iā€™d have a drink with her as she looks rather wild honestly. Sheā€™s probably a fun gal at parties


I think the voice acting went downhill with the majority of DF characters but her as a character is fine.

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Toddy has some new voice work we havenā€™t had before, so at least thereā€™s that.

Eh, still a better character than Genn.

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You donā€™t like Genn? :scream:

Even the Scots hate the Scottish. Whatā€™s your point?


Toddy is like a bored 3 year old.

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in 90% of his screen time heā€™s so 1 dimentional, that his appearance in the pride of kulā€™tiras felt like they needed someone to fill that role, flipped a coin and decided Genn.

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