Today's new content was temporarily disabled -- now resolved

This can’t be normal; are we your test subjects? Oh my goodness, I hope Microsoft begins to take action against those at Blizzard…


You’re right… :frowning:

It’s up for me now…relog.


Awww. I’m just sad now. This was the biggest draw of the expansion for me, not gonna lie. Yeah, I’m a filthy casual, I just wanted my rock dwarves. :frowning:

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I am reminded of a tweet from Blizzard QA manager talking about how great their QA is and how much people laughed at it.

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IT’S UP FOLKS! Time to relog and start this quest!

Blizzard has gotten themselves into the same category as Rockstar. It does no good to complain or point out there piles of issues - even with this expansion alone.

Why? Because we still buy the game. We still play it. Blizzard, like Rockstar, are just going to continue take our money and continue to do whatever they feel like doing.

I’m in the boat, too, riding along with everyone else. Love the game. Truly, I do. It’s just a real shame that companies just don’t care anymore. They can say whatever they want. It won’t matter. “But we’re communicating, guys!” - Pft. Whatever. Stop spilling water on our boots and telling us it’s raining.

Can confirm it is up! I didn’t have to relog.

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Funny how less funded studios can make a better product.


Please don’t thank me for an understanding I do not have.

Did the cutscene function properly on the dev or QA instance? What isn’t being replicated between these and production that are producing daily errors? Does the WOW team have IT controls in place to ensure their testing matches what will happen in production? What’s the disconnect?

if it’s bugged, then why is the servers still up?

lmao its up and not a blue post in sight, very cool and expected.


it’s up, but there is no one to turn in that quest lol

That’s because they actually have to put in the effort to stand out and make a profit.

Should have had a beta

Does anyone know if it’s back up yet?

This has been the buggiest expansion I can remember.

I’m not going to poke fun at them. I’m sure they’re doing their best.

We re-enabled the content a couple of minutes ago at about 11:27 a.m. PDT.

If you’ve been logged in throughout, you may need to log out of the game and log back in to pick up your next quest.

Thanks again for your patience!