Today's Dreamseed Hotfixes

Uh… no? Cobalt Assembly wasn’t just cosmetics, it was a strong ring. Dream Wardens also isn’t just cosmetics, there’s a permanent augment rune to gain.
But it’s completely deflecting from the main problem anyway. Even if it’s just cosmetics, it’s still a pretty bad feeling to know that I will have to invest much more time and effort to gain rep or whatever to reach my goals.

Well, good for you when you don’t care about anything. I just don’t understand why you want to convince others so badly that they also shouldn’t care. It’s btw not just a meme, it’s the reality.

Stop telling me how I’m not affected by these things. The arrogance is strong in this post.

And I don’t want to farm for months when others had the opportunity to do it in a few days and then had time to do other stuff.

Of course I have to work harder. Even if I’m playing “nice and chill” like you say, it will take much more effort and time to get to the goal.


Unfortunately these types of fixes put everyone else perpetually behind of those who used the strats early in the process.

These things should wait for reset and have notice. You’ve already screwed up implementing it the way you did, now youve screwed up by making it so that noone can catch up to those who executed on your first design rollout.

Think Zskarn, and please stop making this mistake.


To my above comment. Let me offer some meaningful feedback.

The changes you made limit the players who are working on their rep. They favor those who are already max by doing the thing that you have now nerfed into the ground.

This change should have been implemented with notice and on reset. Allowing those of us who WISH to catch up the opportunity to do that.

I know its degen gameplay and I dont like that, but ultimately youve rewarded it for some and punished the rest.

You really need to stop making these types of changes the way you are doing. Too quickly and without consulting the community.

Think how Zskarn ruined raiding for those last tier that were not able to cheese it.

You continue to make the same mistakes in this area. Please slow down and think through the changes, give notice, and consult the community.

I mean its just reknown and rep but now youve incentivized some and alienated the rest. Super un fun.

TLDR: Dragonflight good. Hotfixes like this with no notice=BAD

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Zskarn directly affected the prog time of those that could not cheese it.
It dramatically impacted the CE community to have it hotfixed.
It hurt, really bad.

You got it.

So what exactly is locked behind there that is detrimental to your gameplay?

And it didn’t affect anyone’s gameplay as that ring was replaced pretty fast.

Effort? No. Time? Sure. But where are we going?

Where did I say I don’t care about anything?

I’m sorry, is trying to be helpful now a bad thing?

I’m not being aggorant. I’m trying to give you a different way to look at it so that it doesn’t feel bad.

Okay, I guess you just want to be mad instead of understanding that I’m trying to give a different perpsective to help, so I’ll just not respond to you anymore.

You can’t make this up, lol.
Yeah. Alright. If “being helpful” means to you that you repeatedly tell others how they shouldn’t care and allegedly aren’t affected by anything, which is btw. just your opinion, then I guess I’ll pass on this “help”. Sheer hubris from your side.

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I don’t get why people are up in arms. Can’t afford it, sorry that sucks. Can afford it but don’t want to spend the money? That’s on you friend.

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I gave a different perspective. Sorry you dislike that. My goal was to show there’s another way to look at things. Nowhere did I claim you have to do that. As a matter of fact, I specifically said,

That doesn’t mean you must do as I say or feel as I do. Telling you something “shouldn’t” doesn’t mean it doesn’t. But if you all you want to see “OMG UR SO MEAN” in my post, then I can’t change your mind. And that’s okay, too. Do you know why? Because as I said: I can’t change how you think, all I can do is give another perspective to try to help.

If you don’t want to think about it from another perspective, then okay. But don’t try to come back at me as if I’m forcing something on you when all I did was give the other side of things to consider.

You want to talk arrogance? That’s all you. I suggest you take a step back and reevaluate your hostility.

Hope you have a better day.

It’s important to recognize that getting to 20 renown is a competitive advantage in this patch. Infinite augment rune is just a supplemental way to save money by not tossing money at individual, and expensive, augment runes. The real player power difference is at 20 with the Enchanted Wyrm’s Dreaming Crest. This is effectively having your cap increased by 3 Wyrm crest upgrades week 1, opening up more crests for regular upgrades leading to a near full ilvl gearing advantage in week 1. That seems marginal to the average player, but it is not merely cosmetics and a gold save. These changes created a very real competitive advantage.


Yea, taking it from 125 seeds per renown to 500 seeds per renown is just the worst. I can’t really provide more commentary than that because I’m trying to remain positive and be nice to the people that make the game, but its just the worst.


After all these years, they need to learn from their mistakes!

Figure out this stuff in Beta before it goes live!

Once something goes live and people been doing it, LEAVE IT ALONE. Don’t hurt/punish anyone who got started late.

And this is why 3 day early release for expansions will be a nightmare


Ding ding ding, we have a winner!

Exactly, very-well said. Thank you

Sighs nothing to do for the entire week goodjob Blizzard yet again :confused:

Truer words were never spoken

The same people asking why it can’t be farmed in one week are the same exact people who will complain there’s nothing to do next week. Renown is meant to naturally progress so in 3 months when players quit because “there’s no content” ask them if the bullet in their foot is still hurting.

You got any quotes from people on that? Or how do you know? I bet that’s a nonsensical argument without any foundation because you’re not able to differentiate between those two groups.

You still didn’t get that it’s not about Renown itself, did you? Maybe you should go back and read what’s the problem with the situation is.

Yeah, because why let us grind rep in sm easy manner.

I need a stronger Like button for this post. The “100% rep for alts” at renown 10 HEAVILY adds fuel to this fire… You’re heavily incentivized to not quest on alts until main hits 10, but the default of doing EVERYTHING in the zone gets you between 7-9 depending on how much you did pre-nerf.

Just basic math here…we just want someone with third grade levels of math to fix this. That’s too much for blizzard.

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Wrong. Charging extra for early access is just bad. IDGAF what you or any other shill says. You people are part of why gaming is a dumbster fire. Saying dumb crap like, its ok to pay extra for this or that…

How about you get over the fact that people are sick of feeling like they are being nickel and dimed for every little thing.

Now sit down and shut up