Didn’t the Johnson and Johnson vaccine have some issues ontop of their only 80% or something like that effectiveness rate?
Didn’t the Johnson and Johnson vaccine have some issues ontop of their only 80% or something like that effectiveness rate?
I think that’s one of OP’s alts.
If this is legit, then I wish you a speedy recovery
Oh my…you havent been reading much in the last year, have you?
I hope you get better and recover soon friend. Will be praying for you.
Yeah, a few people have. Believe it or not - SOME PEOPLE cannot take vaccines. It will literally kill them. It’s not a small portion of the population, either.
This is why the government should not be able to mandate anything on anyone.
Any medical decision should be between you and your personal doctor. Medical advice should only be personal between you and your doctor. Only your doctor knows your health history and if you can take any form of medication, vaccine, etc.
I’m waiting on some people to start filing lawsuits on these idiot celebrities telling mindless fans of their’s to get injected - and one of those fans has a pre-existing health condition… and survives.
Here is the CDC explaining the whole thing.
htt ps://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html
I broke the link. At the very bottom of the page, it talks about J&J blood clots, which have indeed caused deaths.
As a nurse irl just want to remind you to not do any smoking or vaping while you’re sick. I would also avoid alcohol. These things can exacerbate your breathing issues as well as making your airway more dry… which can cause even more issues.
Get some good rest and try to not panic. If you’re having racing thoughts or feel afraid, try some mindfulness and mediation. I know it can sound simple to say but these tricks can help keep your mind calmer.
I hope you feel better soon.
As much as people would like for their to be a mandate for the vaccine , do they think if that was to happen everyone would get the shots ?
Are we going to have the worlds government round up the homeless like cattle to get their shots?
Are we going to have law enforcement busting down doors to arrest people that choose not to because it is their body their choice as some people like to say .
I’ve had covid and I have had both of my shots and I would not wish the former on anyone nor would I force the latter on anyone.
Just be careful and if you are feeling even slightly sick stay away from others and contact your doctor and follow their advice.
I get a lot of for saying it, but I don’t think newly born infants should be vaccinated until around 2-4 years old when doctors can actually see how they’re developing, rather than just being a standard run of the mill thing.
Sometimes children inherit their parents’ health problems. Fresh-birth’s not the time you wanna find that out, but, that’s just my opinion on it. Personal. Opinion.
There has been shot mandates in the past, It wasn’t the end of the world. Pretty sure it’s still a thing. When I went to school you wasn’t allowed to enroll without providing your immunization record.
My fiance had it. She got more sick from the vaccination.
Complete body swelling, didn’t even recognize her. Woke me up at 2am, in crying agony to take her to the hospital due to the vaccine.
Myself, never got vaccinated, and won’t until the virus is gone, or they figure out an end all vaccination. Even with my fiance having it, I never got sick. Honestly, I never do get sick. So I’m happy with no vaccine.
But you gotta get off your high horse buddy. Get vaxxed or don’t, it’s a choice not a mandate
All of the things mentioned here have been argued ad nauseum outside the WoW Forums.
yes … i … do. That’s what a free country means. That’s what my grandfather and great grandfather fought for.
Christ, society really is doomed nowadays.
I’m up in whistler my dude. West coast best coast
Your grandfather fought for the right to get others killed? Sounds gross.
They are prevention.
But they aren’t 100% prevention. The OP is a rare case, people vaccinated usually don’t get sick.
But they can.
However, the vaccines are also good because studies have shown even those who do get sick are less likely to be hospitalized.
But no vaccine is 100% effective.
You live in a society with other people. You have a responsibility to be empathetic and thoughtful of those people.
AKA, grow up.
Every action has consequences, and people did fight for our rights. Even if those rights may indeed inflict harm on others. Although I am personally unaware which constitutional right says we have a right to deny vaccination. I wasn’t aware of this amendment.
is putting words in people’s mouths and altering what they say, all that your smooth-brain is capable of?
taking care of yourself as an individual responsibility does not equate to “LOL IM ALLOWED TO GO AROUND KILLING PEOPLE”
it’s no wonder you’re so ill-received in the majority of threads.