Today I got the virus


They are either a troll, or the biggest fool in this threadā€¦which is hard to do with some of the other clowns in here.

Noticed how I proved them wrong on the vaccine deaths, and they just moved right on like it didnā€™t happenā€¦

Apparently you canā€™t chill out.

Karenā€¦you need to take a walk. No managers here. :innocent:

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Lack of proper medical education :slight_smile:

Go ask people on the street or somewhere what vaccine means and I bet you theyā€™ll say something along the lines of ā€œit keeps you from gettingā€ :laughing:


99.987% survival rate in some age groups! Significantly less deadly than the flu, but certainly more contagious.

Standard of care is rapidly evolving as well thankfully, so even brighter days are ahead!


Has to do with blood pressure.

I used to smoke a pack a day for 15 years. 2 packs on a night out drinking

nothing wrong with saying that. Humans are inherently making themselves weaker by suppressing natural selection. Even the field of medicine is having dastardly LONG TERM consequences on our longevity as a species (i.e. antibiotics losing their effectiveness and creating ā€˜super bugsā€™). Its an interesting topic.


I said ā€œshow me a death.ā€ I never said they didnā€™t exist. I just wanted to see evidence. Why didnā€™t I google it myself? I did, but it took forever for me to even find there was one death, because it was a low risk, from one vaccine!

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OK. You got Covid


Honk honk!!! :clown_face:


yeah, iā€™m well-aware how these people conduct themselves when their irrationality is called out. You get gems like this:

They just try to weasel their way out of getting intellectually refuted with some passive moronic comment like that. Its adorable.

Stay strong and take of yourself man. Power through it :muscle:

Thats due to immunizations.

These vaccines we got growing up prevented us from getting it. While things like the flu shot just reduced our chances. We was taught at a younger age just from how the words was used that Vaccine = Immunization - you will not get it. And the shot just reduced your odds.


You sound awfully close to conspiracy theorist here. You believe everything you read on the internet?

I can only assume you are a flat earther to, and the government is run by reptilians right?

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Eh, all I know is I havenā€™t gotten sick the past two years from anything. Been around plenty of those who got that virus, but it never affected me.

Itā€™s possible my genes allow me to become quickly resistant to certain illnesses. I am told by my doctor I produce antibodies at a ridiculous rateā€¦

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hey, you be quiet!!!

Lots of ā€œcompassionateā€ people are offended by numbers like that.


ā€œNatural selectionā€ doesnā€™t mean we ā€œLet the sick die.ā€ Social Darwinism is even more dangerous than your antivaxer-fearmongering.


Iā€™d tread carefully, you might get flagged for trolling.

They are just here to try and prove to everyone how much of a good person they are.

Especially themselves.

But people like this are the first ones to demand the persecution of people that make a different choice than they do. All out of fear.

Fear is the mind killer, and some of these people didnā€™t have much of a mind to kill to begin with.


Statistically youā€™re likely to live, so thereā€™s some comfort. Iā€™m talking about with the vaccination.