To upgrade, or not to upgrade my graphics card?

yeah but out the cost of the RTX 3080 unless you RMA’d it and got the RTX 4080 as a replacement. From your description it sounds like a cap busted on the card.

You let the magic smoke out.

Was originally part of a pre-built (peak 2021 crypto boom market), so only had the 1 year prebuilt warranty.

Needed a GPU to raid that week, and the micro center only had the 40 series. So I wound up getting a 4070 ti, then returning it a month later when there was a 4080 under the Christmas tree.

Can’t find any reviews of a B580 and WoW yet sadly.

Most reviewers don’t use wow as a benchmark due to how difficult it is to have results be directly comparable between passes.

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Yup, just need to know if it’s an actual upgrade

What do you have now?

My wife has a 3060 (non-TI iirc).

B580 is (on average) between 25-30% better than the 3060 12GB according to the techpowerup database.

If you can get good value for your 3060, or are really feeling a GPU deficiency, it can be a good idea, but I’d probably hold the 3060 for now.

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Appreciate it. My son would get the hand me down, so I’ll have to consider it.

3 PCs in a household is too much! :smiley: