You could introduce them in any expansion, it’s irrelevant.
They could. But they never would.
this is a public forum. i am allowed to post. your not looking for logic or reason you’re looking for people to blindly agree with you. hence why your getting upset over my calling you out when i point out your not looking for a debate. defensive much? don’t like it too bad.
The dracthyr themselves aren’t very relevant so far, outside of a very loose association.
If they added tinkers, they’d be capable of making some links.
Are you actually trying to say that a class themed around being a literal dragon has little thematic resemblance to an expansion centered on dragons?
I’m stating the fact that the dracthyr themselves have no strong significance in dragonflight’s story, yes.
Youre not “literal” dragons by the way. You’re mutant freaks.
You look funny and smell funnier.
Because if we allow Goblins and Gnomes to use mech suits, how can we punt them? All tinkers have those big iron man suits and it makes them immune to punting!
Where did I say anything about story? I’m talking thematics. Death Knights had little to do with WotLK narratively, but they exemplified the expansion’s thematics. Same for Monk. Same for Demon Hunter. Same for Evoker. So too would be for Tinker.
I don’t want to play a zany tech expansion.
omg cant believe i agree with draenei,.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m playing a goblin ele sham, it scratches the itch a bit but when it could be so much more… it’s lore, player hero PoV narrative. There’s MUCH to be said for a consistent aesthetic.
It’s jarring to cast spells like summon element, serpent sting and the like, spells heavy in nature themes, when trying to vibe with a tech theme.
Story and thematics are intertwined, I’d choose your words more carefully. Further, Death Knights actually had a lot to do with Wrath narratively. Moreso than the dragons or illidari combined.
They’re associated. They’re not synonyms. I chose my words perfectly fine. You should read more closely next time.
And Evokers are probably the most narratively influential class this far, especially when you take 10.1 into consideration.
issue is it overlaps toomuch with survival hunter and engineering, its the same reason blizzard doesn’t pull the trigger on necromancer because unholy DK and demonology exist.
Alright, OP starts with this lie and we have to take it seriously:?
I feel like the tinker fantasy could be interesting if it was a byproduct of engineering.
Hunter weapons come to mind, someone mentionned a flamethrower earlier… perhaps the class who has access to exactly that type of weaponry should be able to do so.
Bombs and mines could either remain a consumable item or become trinkets ( if done well, this could be really interesting ).
They’ve started to expand on transmog so perhaps a backpack with a tech arm coupled with animation, interacting either with the bomb types or weapons even.
Jetpacks, combined with the dragonflight flying system could be another win.
We’ve barely begun to scratch the potential of customization and I believe this game needs innovation.
Classes are always introduced to us to play as some sort of lore consequence. The technology that’s present in the game is done by something else already present, engineering. I’m not necessarily against new classes. I’m kind of in the boat of “they need to be able to balance what we have now.” But of course in the future I’d love to see more classes. I just feel like we won’t get something like Tinker or Bard until there is a lore reason for an external force to teach us the abilities needed. Until then, I do think engineering could be approved upon to allow existing classes to have the Tinker aesthetic. Like Thaozotl suggested.
I find them thoroughly uninteresting and the fervor for them is perplexing.
Arguably, they’ve been around since 2. They’ve inarguably been around since 3. Which is equal seniority to Death Knights.
Personally don’t think any of those concepts correlate. Survival has bombs, yes, and some other gadgets like traps but the core of the class is still a hunter. The such trappings as eagle eye and call of the wild, etc. close but nothing beats ‘the real thing’.
Imagine if DH wasn’t released and Blizzard simply turned subtlety into a shadow/fel magic manipulator and called that good? Naw not even close.
Engineering does not make for immersive gameplay, you can’t fight a final boss with 5min cooldown gadgets and bombs…
Necromancers have a place in WoW, just as Paladin and Priest can coexist, so could Necro and DK if they so chose. Imo boring and over done though.