To those who are changing mains for TBC, will you level or use a boost?

Leveling mine to 60 right now, currently 47. Will I use my boost on another character, namely one to farm with? Absolutely. No doubt.

I think boosts are bad. I have 3 level 60s a paladin, mage, and priest. Still going to buy one though and boost a hunter and a druid xD

My TBC main is already lv60.


They are probably a bit embarrassed to admit it, but most are meta betas trading in their brown zugs for purple zugs
 and yes, if they didnt level a lock already, they’re probably gonna be boosting one.

Anyone who tries to argue TBC is a different circumstance is legit trolling.


I don’t recall them making any of these promises for TBC.

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Sadly, I think I am going to follow the same path I did in the original Vanilla -> BC.

Leveled my Alliance Paladin first (this guy will probably be a boost)
Leveled my Horde Shaman second (already 60)
Leveled my Horde Druid third (only 24 but once my mage hits 40, he’s the nest to max level)

I was under the impression that when they say a “classic experience” they meant how the original was. As far as I know, boosts weren’t introduced until WoD. It’s called TBC: Classic. So I mean
? Too many people here jumping down each others throats for some reason. Leave it to Blizzard though. They just want money.

It might have been MoP or maybe it was WoD pre patch.

But pretty much yeah. There’s no good rationale for why TBC classic needs boosts when it didn’t need them back then. All arguments for why it needs to exists pretty much melt away when you consider it’s been done before.

My main alt is 60
My 3rd alt is 48, mix of leveling and boosting
going to level a paladin
Boost a druid which is largely just be a gatherer, maybe BGs as a boomie or resto I don’t plan on doing heroics or anything on it

Most won’t know the hardships we endured to keep this watch. My warlock knows.

Alliance Shaman. Choice is made for me.

Although I can’t wait to do those starting zones. The music!!!

Dont think we can boost dranei shamans on ally :frowning:

You are right. Can’t boost Dranei or Blood Elf.

So alliance shaman and horde pallys have to grind out the levels.

The only saving parts are the new leveling content each race has and the reduced required xp.

Always ret for my main.

If I boost a toon, it’ll either be a horde toon to get established on a new server, or a rogue bank toon on my current server (so I can pick my own lock boxes.)

It’s one character boost and it’s to bring people back that didn’t want to play classic but want to play bc. They can boost unless they want to play a BE or draenai and that’s what the prepatch is for.

It’s a quality of life thing for returning players.

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Thanks for the reply. I don’t really care if we have one or not, I thought they lied about adding services considering this is also called “classic” but yeah, I don’t see a downside, no ones really presented one and is their money. -shrugs-

Except poor ole Arkane there. Show him some love too!

Furkk, the cynic that ate all the other cynics.

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Nah, not paying money to boost my bank alt.

Now if the boost was free