To think that

I’m achievement hunting and right now and I’m taking a huge blast to the past. To think that The Spark of Imagination in Ulduaar was not created by the any race of Dwarf, or even the Gnomes…

But rather, the Mechagnomes. I’m kinda overwhelmed right now, lol.


It was made by real mechagnomes, not diaper gnomes.


Pffff. I’m just hearing Elf baby tears

here im thirsty. Pour into this cup → :cup_with_straw:

Did you know that Mechagnomes created iPhones, then Apple stole it from them?

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I bet we created satellites of some sort.

Don’t make me find a mud puddle!

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Then you should get your hearing checked.

Thats right keep filling her up —> :cup_with_straw: :slight_smile:

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Mecha Forsaken Gnomes.

Never mind. I don’t want it.

See this is what I’m talking about.

I’m actively mocking you for mistaking actual mechagnomes for your quadruple amputee debacle, and somehow you heard crying.

I’m beginning to think you’re just experiencing total sensory failure.

Okay then.

See this could have actually been cool. Imagine leper gnomes who’s solution to their irradiated state was to simply replace everything irradiated.

Instead of some midget cosplaying as Victor LoL, you have a people written off as too far gone to save choosing to save themselves. The perfect philosophical antithesis to the Forsaken who’s response to being too far gone to save was to just act exactly like the thing everyone was afraid they were.

They could have interacted with the Forsaken’s story in BfA, built on the existing gnome story, and generally be relevant to anything at all.

Instead we got an island that had nothing to do with anything and gnomes who wear diapers because they’re too dumb to wear pants.