Still bugged, please fix.
“To the Test: Rune of Shadowbinding” bugged. As of 9:30am EST 6/6, killing raid bosses while properly tethered does not award quest progress. Please assist Blizzard!
Just attempted to complete this quest in LFR, twice, the second time 110% the tether was still up. guys you’ve messed something up, and it’s quite disappointing after months of applying to groups to get the thing. please revisit and sort it out.
Yea, this late in the expansion the only thing legendary about it is the bugs. Need it to do basic dps in season 4.
so lame… legendary bug indeed
i tried to open ticket and tell them everyone is complaining
and i got the reply is " our developers have already addressed it"
so i waste 3 hours to record this video and show them
everyone plz open ticket and send this link to them
we shadowbounded before combat start, if aggroed boss, we cant use the item
and we killed it , we get nothing quest done
CS doesn’t interface with developers, the don’t understand there are 2 quests that involve tethering
still bugged just tried. I love how some of us pay for this wonderful service. beta is broken and they don’t seem to care about the legendary axe questline.
Yea, they seemed pretty retarded from the first ticket I opened. They didn’t even respond to what I actually wrote and just replied with some stupid crap. Blizzard needs to fire them if they can’t comprehend words.